2012-05-13 18:39:57 +02:00
from plugin import BasePlugin
2011-11-23 09:09:48 +01:00
from xhtml import clean_text
import common
2012-05-13 18:39:57 +02:00
import tabs
2011-11-23 09:09:48 +01:00
import re
timestamp_re = re . compile ( r ' ^( \ d \ d \ d \ d- \ d \ d- \ d \ d )? \ d \ d: \ d \ d: \ d \ d$ ' )
2011-11-23 19:53:02 +01:00
seconds_re = re . compile ( r ' ^: \ d \ d$ ' )
2011-11-23 09:09:48 +01:00
import logging
log = logging . getLogger ( __name__ )
class Plugin ( BasePlugin ) :
def init ( self ) :
2012-05-13 18:39:57 +02:00
self . add_tab_command ( tabs . MucTab , ' quote ' , self . command_quote , " Usage: /quote <timestamp> \n Quote: takes the message received at <timestamp> and insert it in the input, to quote it. " , self . completion_quote )
self . add_tab_command ( tabs . ConversationTab , ' quote ' , self . command_quote , " Usage: /quote <timestamp> \n Quote: takes the message received at <timestamp> and insert it in the input, to quote it. " , self . completion_quote )
self . add_tab_command ( tabs . PrivateTab , ' quote ' , self . command_quote , " Usage: /quote <timestamp> \n Quote: takes the message received at <timestamp> and insert it in the input, to quote it. " , self . completion_quote )
2011-11-23 09:09:48 +01:00
def command_quote ( self , args ) :
args = common . shell_split ( args )
if len ( args ) in ( 1 , 2 ) :
timestamp = args [ - 1 ]
else :
return self . core . command_help ( ' quote ' )
if re . match ( timestamp_re , timestamp ) is None :
return self . core . information ( ' Timestamp has a wrong format. ' , ' Warning ' )
message = self . find_message_with_timestamp ( timestamp )
if message :
before = self . config . get ( ' before_quote ' , ' ' ) % { ' nick ' : message . nickname or ' ' ,
' time ' : message . str_time }
after = self . config . get ( ' after_quote ' , ' ' ) % { ' nick ' : message . nickname or ' ' ,
' time ' : message . str_time }
self . core . insert_input_text ( ' %(before)s %(quote)s %(after)s ' % { ' before ' : before . replace ( ' \\ n ' , ' \n ' ) . replace ( ' [SP] ' , ' ' ) ,
' quote ' : clean_text ( message . txt ) ,
' after ' : after . replace ( ' \\ n ' , ' \n ' ) . replace ( ' [SP] ' , ' ' ) } )
else :
self . core . information ( ' No message found for timestamp %s . ' % timestamp , ' Warning ' )
def find_message_with_timestamp ( self , timestamp ) :
# TODO: handle messages with the same
# timestamp but not the same day
messages = self . core . get_conversation_messages ( )
if not messages :
return None
for message in messages [ : : - 1 ] :
if message . str_time == timestamp :
return message
return None
def completion_quote ( self , the_input ) :
def nick_match ( msg ) :
if not msg . nickname :
return nick == ' '
return msg . nickname . lower ( ) . startswith ( nick . lower ( ) )
2011-11-23 19:53:02 +01:00
def time_match ( msg ) :
return msg . str_time . endswith ( time )
2011-11-23 09:09:48 +01:00
messages = self . core . get_conversation_messages ( )
if not messages :
text = the_input . get_text ( )
args = common . shell_split ( text )
n = len ( args )
if text . endswith ( ' ' ) :
n + = 1
2011-11-23 19:53:02 +01:00
time = args [ - 1 ]
if re . match ( seconds_re , time ) is not None :
messages = list ( filter ( time_match , messages ) )
for i in range ( 3 ) :
the_input . key_backspace ( False )
elif n == 2 :
2011-11-23 19:49:19 +01:00
try :
if args [ 1 ] [ 0 ] not in ( ' 1 ' , ' 2 ' , ' 3 ' , ' 4 ' , ' 5 ' , ' 6 ' , ' 7 ' , ' 8 ' , ' 9 ' , ' 0 ' ) :
return False
except :
2011-11-23 09:09:48 +01:00
nick = ' '
if n == 3 :
nick = args [ 1 ]
messages = list ( filter ( nick_match , messages ) )
return the_input . auto_completion ( [ msg . str_time for msg in messages [ : : - 1 ] ] , ' ' )