self.add_tab_command(tabs.ConversationTab,'mpd',self.command_mpd,"Usage: /mpd [full]\nMpd: sends a message showing the current song of an MPD instance. If full is provided, the message is more verbose.",self.completion_mpd)
self.add_tab_command(tabs.MucTab,'mpd',self.command_mpd,"Usage: /mpd [full]\nMpd: sends a message showing the current song of an MPD instance. If full is provided, the message is more verbose.",self.completion_mpd)
self.add_tab_command(tabs.PrivateTab,'mpd',self.command_mpd,"Usage: /mpd [full]\nMpd: sends a message showing the current song of an MPD instance. If full is provided, the message is more verbose.",self.completion_mpd)