diff --git a/poezio/core/handlers.py b/poezio/core/handlers.py
index 8cc08179..fb83327f 100644
--- a/poezio/core/handlers.py
+++ b/poezio/core/handlers.py
@@ -46,1309 +46,1314 @@ try:
except ImportError:
-def _join_initial_rooms(self, bookmarks):
- """Join all rooms given in the iterator `bookmarks`"""
- for bm in bookmarks:
- if not (bm.autojoin or config.get('open_all_bookmarks')):
- continue
- tab = self.get_tab_by_name(bm.jid, tabs.MucTab)
- nick = bm.nick if bm.nick else self.own_nick
- if not tab:
- self.open_new_room(bm.jid, nick, focus=False,
- password=bm.password)
- self.initial_joins.append(bm.jid)
- # do not join rooms that do not have autojoin
- # but display them anyway
- if bm.autojoin:
- muc.join_groupchat(self, bm.jid, nick,
- passwd=bm.password,
- status=self.status.message,
- show=self.status.show)
-def check_bookmark_storage(self, features):
- private = 'jabber:iq:private' in features
- pep_ = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#publish' in features
- self.bookmarks.available_storage['private'] = private
- self.bookmarks.available_storage['pep'] = pep_
- def _join_remote_only(iq):
- if iq['type'] == 'error':
- type_ = iq['error']['type']
- condition = iq['error']['condition']
- if not (type_ == 'cancel' and condition == 'item-not-found'):
- self.information('Unable to fetch the remote'
- ' bookmarks; %s: %s' % (type_, condition),
- 'Error')
- return
- remote_bookmarks = self.bookmarks.remote()
- _join_initial_rooms(self, remote_bookmarks)
- if not self.xmpp.anon and config.get('use_remote_bookmarks'):
- self.bookmarks.get_remote(self.xmpp, self.information, _join_remote_only)
+class HandlerCore:
+ def __init__(self, core):
+ self.core = core
-def on_session_start_features(self, _):
- """
- Enable carbons & blocking on session start if wanted and possible
- """
- def callback(iq):
- if not iq:
- return
- features = iq['disco_info']['features']
- rostertab = self.get_tab_by_name('Roster', tabs.RosterInfoTab)
- rostertab.check_blocking(features)
- rostertab.check_saslexternal(features)
- if (config.get('enable_carbons') and
- 'urn:xmpp:carbons:2' in features):
- self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0280'].enable()
- self.check_bookmark_storage(features)
- self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0030'].get_info(jid=self.xmpp.boundjid.domain,
- callback=callback)
-def on_carbon_received(self, message):
- """
- Carbon received
- """
- def ignore_message(recv):
- log.debug('%s has category conference, ignoring carbon',
- recv['from'].server)
- def receive_message(recv):
- recv['to'] = self.xmpp.boundjid.full
- if recv['receipt']:
- return self.on_receipt(recv)
- self.on_normal_message(recv)
- recv = message['carbon_received']
- if (recv['from'].bare not in roster or
- roster[recv['from'].bare].subscription == 'none'):
- fixes.has_identity(self.xmpp, recv['from'].server,
- identity='conference',
- on_true=functools.partial(ignore_message, recv),
- on_false=functools.partial(receive_message, recv))
- return
- else:
- receive_message(recv)
-def on_carbon_sent(self, message):
- """
- Carbon received
- """
- def ignore_message(sent):
- log.debug('%s has category conference, ignoring carbon',
- sent['to'].server)
- def send_message(sent):
- sent['from'] = self.xmpp.boundjid.full
- self.on_normal_message(sent)
- sent = message['carbon_sent']
- if (sent['to'].bare not in roster or
- roster[sent['to'].bare].subscription == 'none'):
- fixes.has_identity(self.xmpp, sent['to'].server,
- identity='conference',
- on_true=functools.partial(ignore_message, sent),
- on_false=functools.partial(send_message, sent))
- else:
- send_message(sent)
-### Invites ###
-def on_groupchat_invitation(self, message):
- """
- Mediated invitation received
- """
- jid = message['from']
- if jid.bare in self.pending_invites:
- return
- # there are 2 'x' tags in the messages, making message['x'] useless
- invite = StanzaBase(self.xmpp, xml=message.find('{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user}x/{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user}invite'))
- inviter = invite['from']
- reason = invite['reason']
- password = invite['password']
- msg = "You are invited to the room %s by %s" % (jid.full, inviter.full)
- if reason:
- msg += "because: %s" % reason
- if password:
- msg += ". The password is \"%s\"." % password
- self.information(msg, 'Info')
- if 'invite' in config.get('beep_on').split():
- curses.beep()
- logger.log_roster_change(inviter.full, 'invited you to %s' % jid.full)
- self.pending_invites[jid.bare] = inviter.full
-def on_groupchat_decline(self, decline):
- "Mediated invitation declined; skip for now"
- pass
-def on_groupchat_direct_invitation(self, message):
- """
- Direct invitation received
- """
- room = safeJID(message['groupchat_invite']['jid'])
- if room.bare in self.pending_invites:
- return
- inviter = message['from']
- reason = message['groupchat_invite']['reason']
- password = message['groupchat_invite']['password']
- continue_ = message['groupchat_invite']['continue']
- msg = "You are invited to the room %s by %s" % (room, inviter.full)
- if password:
- msg += ' (password: "%s")' % password
- if continue_:
- msg += '\nto continue the discussion'
- if reason:
- msg += "\nreason: %s" % reason
- self.information(msg, 'Info')
- if 'invite' in config.get('beep_on').split():
- curses.beep()
- self.pending_invites[room.bare] = inviter.full
- logger.log_roster_change(inviter.full, 'invited you to %s' % room.bare)
-### "classic" messages ###
-def on_message(self, message):
- """
- When receiving private message from a muc OR a normal message
- (from one of our contacts)
- """
- if message.find('{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user}x/{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user}invite') != None:
- return
- if message['type'] == 'groupchat':
- return
- # Differentiate both type of messages, and call the appropriate handler.
- jid_from = message['from']
- for tab in self.get_tabs(tabs.MucTab):
- if tab.name == jid_from.bare:
- if message['type'] == 'chat':
- return self.on_groupchat_private_message(message)
- return self.on_normal_message(message)
-def on_error_message(self, message):
- """
- When receiving any message with type="error"
- """
- jid_from = message['from']
- for tab in self.get_tabs(tabs.MucTab):
- if tab.name == jid_from.bare:
- if message['type'] == 'error':
- return self.room_error(message, jid_from.bare)
- else:
- return self.on_groupchat_private_message(message)
- tab = self.get_conversation_by_jid(message['from'], create=False)
- error_msg = self.get_error_message(message, deprecated=True)
- if not tab:
- return self.information(error_msg, 'Error')
- error = '\x19%s}%s\x19o' % (dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_CHAR_NACK),
- error_msg)
- if not tab.nack_message('\n' + error, message['id'], message['to']):
- tab.add_message(error, typ=0)
- self.refresh_window()
-def on_normal_message(self, message):
- """
- When receiving "normal" messages (not a private message from a
- muc participant)
- """
- if message['type'] == 'error':
- return
- elif message['type'] == 'headline' and message['body']:
- return self.information('%s says: %s' % (message['from'], message['body']), 'Headline')
- use_xhtml = config.get('enable_xhtml_im')
- tmp_dir = config.get('tmp_image_dir') or path.join(CACHE_DIR, 'images')
- extract_images = config.get('extract_inline_images')
- body = xhtml.get_body_from_message_stanza(message, use_xhtml=use_xhtml,
- tmp_dir=tmp_dir,
- extract_images=extract_images)
- if not body:
- return
- remote_nick = ''
- # normal message, we are the recipient
- if message['to'].bare == self.xmpp.boundjid.bare:
- conv_jid = message['from']
- jid = conv_jid
- color = get_theme().COLOR_REMOTE_USER
- # check for a name
- if conv_jid.bare in roster:
- remote_nick = roster[conv_jid.bare].name
- # check for a received nick
- if not remote_nick and config.get('enable_user_nick'):
- if message.xml.find('{http://jabber.org/protocol/nick}nick') is not None:
- remote_nick = message['nick']['nick']
- if not remote_nick:
- remote_nick = conv_jid.user
- if not remote_nick:
- remote_nick = conv_jid.full
- own = False
- # we wrote the message (happens with carbons)
- elif message['from'].bare == self.xmpp.boundjid.bare:
- conv_jid = message['to']
- jid = self.xmpp.boundjid
- color = get_theme().COLOR_OWN_NICK
- remote_nick = self.own_nick
- own = True
- # we are not part of that message, drop it
- else:
- return
- conversation = self.get_conversation_by_jid(conv_jid, create=True)
- if isinstance(conversation, tabs.DynamicConversationTab) and conv_jid.resource:
- conversation.lock(conv_jid.resource)
- if not own and not conversation.nick:
- conversation.nick = remote_nick
- elif not own: # keep a fixed nick during the whole conversation
- remote_nick = conversation.nick
- self.events.trigger('conversation_msg', message, conversation)
- if not message['body']:
- return
- body = xhtml.get_body_from_message_stanza(message, use_xhtml=use_xhtml,
- tmp_dir=tmp_dir,
- extract_images=extract_images)
- delayed, date = common.find_delayed_tag(message)
- def try_modify():
- replaced_id = message['replace']['id']
- if replaced_id and config.get_by_tabname('group_corrections',
- conv_jid.bare):
- try:
- conversation.modify_message(body, replaced_id, message['id'], jid=jid,
- nickname=remote_nick)
- return True
- except CorrectionError:
- log.debug('Unable to correct a message', exc_info=True)
- return False
- if not try_modify():
- conversation.add_message(body, date,
- nickname=remote_nick,
- nick_color=color,
- history=delayed,
- identifier=message['id'],
- jid=jid,
- typ=1)
- if conversation.remote_wants_chatstates is None and not delayed:
- if message['chat_state']:
- conversation.remote_wants_chatstates = True
- else:
- conversation.remote_wants_chatstates = False
- if not own and 'private' in config.get('beep_on').split():
- if not config.get_by_tabname('disable_beep', conv_jid.bare):
- curses.beep()
- if self.current_tab() is not conversation:
- if not own:
- conversation.state = 'private'
- self.refresh_tab_win()
- else:
- conversation.set_state('normal')
- self.refresh_tab_win()
- else:
- self.refresh_window()
-def on_nick_received(self, message):
- """
- Called when a pep notification for an user nickname
- is received
- """
- contact = roster[message['from'].bare]
- if not contact:
- return
- item = message['pubsub_event']['items']['item']
- if item.xml.find('{http://jabber.org/protocol/nick}nick'):
- contact.name = item['nick']['nick']
- else:
- contact.name = ''
-def on_gaming_event(self, message):
- """
- Called when a pep notification for user gaming
- is received
- """
- contact = roster[message['from'].bare]
- if not contact:
- return
- item = message['pubsub_event']['items']['item']
- old_gaming = contact.gaming
- if item.xml.find('{urn:xmpp:gaming:0}gaming'):
- item = item['gaming']
- # only name and server_address are used for now
- contact.gaming = {
- 'character_name': item['character_name'],
- 'character_profile': item['character_profile'],
- 'name': item['name'],
- 'level': item['level'],
- 'uri': item['uri'],
- 'server_name': item['server_name'],
- 'server_address': item['server_address'],
- }
- else:
- contact.gaming = {}
- if contact.gaming:
- logger.log_roster_change(contact.bare_jid, 'is playing %s' % (common.format_gaming_string(contact.gaming)))
- if old_gaming != contact.gaming and config.get_by_tabname('display_gaming_notifications', contact.bare_jid):
- if contact.gaming:
- self.information('%s is playing %s' % (contact.bare_jid, common.format_gaming_string(contact.gaming)), 'Gaming')
- else:
- self.information(contact.bare_jid + ' stopped playing.', 'Gaming')
-def on_mood_event(self, message):
- """
- Called when a pep notification for an user mood
- is received.
- """
- contact = roster[message['from'].bare]
- if not contact:
- return
- roster.modified()
- item = message['pubsub_event']['items']['item']
- old_mood = contact.mood
- if item.xml.find('{http://jabber.org/protocol/mood}mood'):
- mood = item['mood']['value']
- if mood:
- mood = pep.MOODS.get(mood, mood)
- text = item['mood']['text']
- if text:
- mood = '%s (%s)' % (mood, text)
- contact.mood = mood
- else:
- contact.mood = ''
- else:
- contact.mood = ''
- if contact.mood:
- logger.log_roster_change(contact.bare_jid, 'has now the mood: %s' % contact.mood)
- if old_mood != contact.mood and config.get_by_tabname('display_mood_notifications', contact.bare_jid):
- if contact.mood:
- self.information('Mood from '+ contact.bare_jid + ': ' + contact.mood, 'Mood')
- else:
- self.information(contact.bare_jid + ' stopped having his/her mood.', 'Mood')
-def on_activity_event(self, message):
- """
- Called when a pep notification for an user activity
- is received.
- """
- contact = roster[message['from'].bare]
- if not contact:
- return
- roster.modified()
- item = message['pubsub_event']['items']['item']
- old_activity = contact.activity
- if item.xml.find('{http://jabber.org/protocol/activity}activity'):
- try:
- activity = item['activity']['value']
- except ValueError:
- return
- if activity[0]:
- general = pep.ACTIVITIES.get(activity[0])
- s = general['category']
- if activity[1]:
- s = s + '/' + general.get(activity[1], 'other')
- text = item['activity']['text']
- if text:
- s = '%s (%s)' % (s, text)
- contact.activity = s
- else:
- contact.activity = ''
- else:
- contact.activity = ''
- if contact.activity:
- logger.log_roster_change(contact.bare_jid, 'has now the activity %s' % contact.activity)
- if old_activity != contact.activity and config.get_by_tabname('display_activity_notifications', contact.bare_jid):
- if contact.activity:
- self.information('Activity from '+ contact.bare_jid + ': ' + contact.activity, 'Activity')
- else:
- self.information(contact.bare_jid + ' stopped doing his/her activity.', 'Activity')
-def on_tune_event(self, message):
- """
- Called when a pep notification for an user tune
- is received
- """
- contact = roster[message['from'].bare]
- if not contact:
- return
- roster.modified()
- item = message['pubsub_event']['items']['item']
- old_tune = contact.tune
- if item.xml.find('{http://jabber.org/protocol/tune}tune'):
- item = item['tune']
- contact.tune = {
- 'artist': item['artist'],
- 'length': item['length'],
- 'rating': item['rating'],
- 'source': item['source'],
- 'title': item['title'],
- 'track': item['track'],
- 'uri': item['uri']
- }
- else:
- contact.tune = {}
- if contact.tune:
- logger.log_roster_change(message['from'].bare, 'is now listening to %s' % common.format_tune_string(contact.tune))
- if old_tune != contact.tune and config.get_by_tabname('display_tune_notifications', contact.bare_jid):
- if contact.tune:
- self.information(
- 'Tune from '+ message['from'].bare + ': ' + common.format_tune_string(contact.tune),
- 'Tune')
- else:
- self.information(contact.bare_jid + ' stopped listening to music.', 'Tune')
-def on_groupchat_message(self, message):
- """
- Triggered whenever a message is received from a multi-user chat room.
- """
- if message['subject']:
- return
- room_from = message['from'].bare
- if message['type'] == 'error': # Check if it's an error
- return self.room_error(message, room_from)
- tab = self.get_tab_by_name(room_from, tabs.MucTab)
- if not tab:
- self.information("message received for a non-existing room: %s" % (room_from))
- muc.leave_groupchat(self.xmpp, room_from, self.own_nick, msg='')
- return
- nick_from = message['mucnick']
- user = tab.get_user_by_name(nick_from)
- if user and user in tab.ignores:
- return
- self.events.trigger('muc_msg', message, tab)
- use_xhtml = config.get('enable_xhtml_im')
- tmp_dir = config.get('tmp_image_dir') or path.join(CACHE_DIR, 'images')
- extract_images = config.get('extract_inline_images')
- body = xhtml.get_body_from_message_stanza(message, use_xhtml=use_xhtml,
- tmp_dir=tmp_dir,
- extract_images=extract_images)
- if not body:
- return
- old_state = tab.state
- delayed, date = common.find_delayed_tag(message)
- replaced_id = message['replace']['id']
- replaced = False
- if replaced_id is not '' and config.get_by_tabname('group_corrections',
- message['from'].bare):
- try:
- delayed_date = date or datetime.now()
- if tab.modify_message(body, replaced_id, message['id'],
- time=delayed_date,
- nickname=nick_from, user=user):
- self.events.trigger('highlight', message, tab)
- replaced = True
- except CorrectionError:
- log.debug('Unable to correct a message', exc_info=True)
- if not replaced and tab.add_message(body, date, nick_from, history=delayed, identifier=message['id'], jid=message['from'], typ=1):
- self.events.trigger('highlight', message, tab)
- if message['from'].resource == tab.own_nick:
- tab.last_sent_message = message
- if tab is self.current_tab():
- tab.text_win.refresh()
- tab.info_header.refresh(tab, tab.text_win)
- tab.input.refresh()
- self.doupdate()
- elif tab.state != old_state:
- self.refresh_tab_win()
- current = self.current_tab()
- if hasattr(current, 'input') and current.input:
- current.input.refresh()
- self.doupdate()
- if 'message' in config.get('beep_on').split():
- if (not config.get_by_tabname('disable_beep', room_from)
- and self.own_nick != message['from'].resource):
- curses.beep()
-def on_muc_own_nickchange(self, muc):
- "We changed our nick in a MUC"
- for tab in self.get_tabs(tabs.PrivateTab):
- if tab.parent_muc == muc:
- tab.own_nick = muc.own_nick
-def on_groupchat_private_message(self, message):
- """
- We received a Private Message (from someone in a Muc)
- """
- jid = message['from']
- nick_from = jid.resource
- if not nick_from:
- return self.on_groupchat_message(message)
- room_from = jid.bare
- use_xhtml = config.get('enable_xhtml_im')
- tmp_dir = config.get('tmp_image_dir') or path.join(CACHE_DIR, 'images')
- extract_images = config.get('extract_inline_images')
- body = xhtml.get_body_from_message_stanza(message, use_xhtml=use_xhtml,
- tmp_dir=tmp_dir,
- extract_images=extract_images)
- tab = self.get_tab_by_name(jid.full, tabs.PrivateTab) # get the tab with the private conversation
- ignore = config.get_by_tabname('ignore_private', room_from)
- if not tab: # It's the first message we receive: create the tab
- if body and not ignore:
- tab = self.open_private_window(room_from, nick_from, False)
- if ignore:
- self.events.trigger('ignored_private', message, tab)
- msg = config.get_by_tabname('private_auto_response', room_from)
- if msg and body:
- self.xmpp.send_message(mto=jid.full, mbody=msg, mtype='chat')
- return
- self.events.trigger('private_msg', message, tab)
- body = xhtml.get_body_from_message_stanza(message, use_xhtml=use_xhtml,
- tmp_dir=tmp_dir,
- extract_images=extract_images)
- if not body or not tab:
- return
- replaced_id = message['replace']['id']
- replaced = False
- user = tab.parent_muc.get_user_by_name(nick_from)
- if replaced_id is not '' and config.get_by_tabname('group_corrections',
- room_from):
- try:
- tab.modify_message(body, replaced_id, message['id'], user=user, jid=message['from'],
- nickname=nick_from)
- replaced = True
- except CorrectionError:
- log.debug('Unable to correct a message', exc_info=True)
- if not replaced:
- tab.add_message(body, time=None, nickname=nick_from,
- forced_user=user,
- identifier=message['id'],
- jid=message['from'],
- typ=1)
- if tab.remote_wants_chatstates is None:
- if message['chat_state']:
- tab.remote_wants_chatstates = True
- else:
- tab.remote_wants_chatstates = False
- if 'private' in config.get('beep_on').split():
- if not config.get_by_tabname('disable_beep', jid.full):
- curses.beep()
- if tab is self.current_tab():
- self.refresh_window()
- else:
- tab.state = 'private'
- self.refresh_tab_win()
-### Chatstates ###
-def on_chatstate_active(self, message):
- self.on_chatstate(message, "active")
-def on_chatstate_inactive(self, message):
- self.on_chatstate(message, "inactive")
-def on_chatstate_composing(self, message):
- self.on_chatstate(message, "composing")
-def on_chatstate_paused(self, message):
- self.on_chatstate(message, "paused")
-def on_chatstate_gone(self, message):
- self.on_chatstate(message, "gone")
-def on_chatstate(self, message, state):
- if message['type'] == 'chat':
- if not self.on_chatstate_normal_conversation(message, state):
- tab = self.get_tab_by_name(message['from'].full, tabs.PrivateTab)
+ def _join_initial_rooms(self, bookmarks):
+ """Join all rooms given in the iterator `bookmarks`"""
+ for bm in bookmarks:
+ if not (bm.autojoin or config.get('open_all_bookmarks')):
+ continue
+ tab = self.get_tab_by_name(bm.jid, tabs.MucTab)
+ nick = bm.nick if bm.nick else self.own_nick
if not tab:
+ self.open_new_room(bm.jid, nick, focus=False,
+ password=bm.password)
+ self.initial_joins.append(bm.jid)
+ # do not join rooms that do not have autojoin
+ # but display them anyway
+ if bm.autojoin:
+ muc.join_groupchat(self, bm.jid, nick,
+ passwd=bm.password,
+ status=self.status.message,
+ show=self.status.show)
+ def check_bookmark_storage(self, features):
+ private = 'jabber:iq:private' in features
+ pep_ = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#publish' in features
+ self.bookmarks.available_storage['private'] = private
+ self.bookmarks.available_storage['pep'] = pep_
+ def _join_remote_only(iq):
+ if iq['type'] == 'error':
+ type_ = iq['error']['type']
+ condition = iq['error']['condition']
+ if not (type_ == 'cancel' and condition == 'item-not-found'):
+ self.information('Unable to fetch the remote'
+ ' bookmarks; %s: %s' % (type_, condition),
+ 'Error')
- self.on_chatstate_private_conversation(message, state)
- elif message['type'] == 'groupchat':
- self.on_chatstate_groupchat_conversation(message, state)
+ remote_bookmarks = self.bookmarks.remote()
+ _join_initial_rooms(self, remote_bookmarks)
+ if not self.xmpp.anon and config.get('use_remote_bookmarks'):
+ self.bookmarks.get_remote(self.xmpp, self.information, _join_remote_only)
-def on_chatstate_normal_conversation(self, message, state):
- tab = self.get_conversation_by_jid(message['from'], False)
- if not tab:
- return False
- tab.remote_wants_chatstates = True
- self.events.trigger('normal_chatstate', message, tab)
- tab.chatstate = state
- if state == 'gone' and isinstance(tab, tabs.DynamicConversationTab):
- tab.unlock()
- if tab == self.current_tab():
- tab.refresh_info_header()
- self.doupdate()
- else:
- _composing_tab_state(tab, state)
- self.refresh_tab_win()
- return True
+ def on_session_start_features(self, _):
+ """
+ Enable carbons & blocking on session start if wanted and possible
+ """
+ def callback(iq):
+ if not iq:
+ return
+ features = iq['disco_info']['features']
+ rostertab = self.get_tab_by_name('Roster', tabs.RosterInfoTab)
+ rostertab.check_blocking(features)
+ rostertab.check_saslexternal(features)
+ if (config.get('enable_carbons') and
+ 'urn:xmpp:carbons:2' in features):
+ self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0280'].enable()
+ self.check_bookmark_storage(features)
-def on_chatstate_private_conversation(self, message, state):
- """
- Chatstate received in a private conversation from a MUC
- """
- tab = self.get_tab_by_name(message['from'].full, tabs.PrivateTab)
- if not tab:
- return
- tab.remote_wants_chatstates = True
- self.events.trigger('private_chatstate', message, tab)
- tab.chatstate = state
- if tab == self.current_tab():
- tab.refresh_info_header()
- self.doupdate()
- else:
- _composing_tab_state(tab, state)
- self.refresh_tab_win()
- return True
+ self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0030'].get_info(jid=self.xmpp.boundjid.domain,
+ callback=callback)
-def on_chatstate_groupchat_conversation(self, message, state):
- """
- Chatstate received in a MUC
- """
- nick = message['mucnick']
- room_from = message.get_mucroom()
- tab = self.get_tab_by_name(room_from, tabs.MucTab)
- if tab and tab.get_user_by_name(nick):
- self.events.trigger('muc_chatstate', message, tab)
- tab.get_user_by_name(nick).chatstate = state
- if tab == self.current_tab():
- if not self.size.tab_degrade_x:
- tab.user_win.refresh(tab.users)
- tab.input.refresh()
- self.doupdate()
- else:
- _composing_tab_state(tab, state)
- self.refresh_tab_win()
+ def on_carbon_received(self, message):
+ """
+ Carbon received
+ """
+ def ignore_message(recv):
+ log.debug('%s has category conference, ignoring carbon',
+ recv['from'].server)
+ def receive_message(recv):
+ recv['to'] = self.xmpp.boundjid.full
+ if recv['receipt']:
+ return self.on_receipt(recv)
+ self.on_normal_message(recv)
-### subscription-related handlers ###
-def on_roster_update(self, iq):
- """
- The roster was received.
- """
- for item in iq['roster']:
- try:
- jid = item['jid']
- except InvalidJID:
- jid = item._get_attr('jid', '')
- log.error('Invalid JID: "%s"', jid, exc_info=True)
+ recv = message['carbon_received']
+ if (recv['from'].bare not in roster or
+ roster[recv['from'].bare].subscription == 'none'):
+ fixes.has_identity(self.xmpp, recv['from'].server,
+ identity='conference',
+ on_true=functools.partial(ignore_message, recv),
+ on_false=functools.partial(receive_message, recv))
+ return
- if item['subscription'] == 'remove':
- del roster[jid]
- else:
- roster.update_contact_groups(jid)
- roster.update_size()
- if isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.RosterInfoTab):
- self.refresh_window()
+ receive_message(recv)
-def on_subscription_request(self, presence):
- """subscribe received"""
- jid = presence['from'].bare
- contact = roster[jid]
- if contact and contact.subscription in ('from', 'both'):
- return
- elif contact and contact.subscription == 'to':
- self.xmpp.sendPresence(pto=jid, ptype='subscribed')
- self.xmpp.sendPresence(pto=jid)
- else:
- if not contact:
- contact = roster.get_and_set(jid)
- roster.update_contact_groups(contact)
- contact.pending_in = True
- self.information('%s wants to subscribe to your presence, use '
- '/accept or /deny in the roster '
- 'tab to accept or reject the query.' % jid,
- 'Roster')
- self.get_tab_by_number(0).state = 'highlight'
- roster.modified()
- if isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.RosterInfoTab):
- self.refresh_window()
+ def on_carbon_sent(self, message):
+ """
+ Carbon received
+ """
+ def ignore_message(sent):
+ log.debug('%s has category conference, ignoring carbon',
+ sent['to'].server)
+ def send_message(sent):
+ sent['from'] = self.xmpp.boundjid.full
+ self.on_normal_message(sent)
-def on_subscription_authorized(self, presence):
- """subscribed received"""
- jid = presence['from'].bare
- contact = roster[jid]
- if contact.subscription not in ('both', 'from'):
- self.information('%s accepted your contact proposal' % jid, 'Roster')
- if contact.pending_out:
- contact.pending_out = False
- roster.modified()
- if isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.RosterInfoTab):
- self.refresh_window()
-def on_subscription_remove(self, presence):
- """unsubscribe received"""
- jid = presence['from'].bare
- contact = roster[jid]
- if not contact:
- return
- roster.modified()
- self.information('%s does not want to receive your status anymore.' % jid, 'Roster')
- self.get_tab_by_number(0).state = 'highlight'
- if isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.RosterInfoTab):
- self.refresh_window()
-def on_subscription_removed(self, presence):
- """unsubscribed received"""
- jid = presence['from'].bare
- contact = roster[jid]
- if not contact:
- return
- roster.modified()
- if contact.pending_out:
- self.information('%s rejected your contact proposal' % jid, 'Roster')
- contact.pending_out = False
- else:
- self.information('%s does not want you to receive his/her/its status anymore.'%jid, 'Roster')
- self.get_tab_by_number(0).state = 'highlight'
- if isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.RosterInfoTab):
- self.refresh_window()
-### Presence-related handlers ###
-def on_presence(self, presence):
- if presence.match('presence/muc') or presence.xml.find('{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user}x'):
- return
- jid = presence['from']
- contact = roster[jid.bare]
- tab = self.get_conversation_by_jid(jid, create=False)
- if isinstance(tab, tabs.DynamicConversationTab):
- if tab.get_dest_jid() != jid.full:
- tab.unlock(from_=jid.full)
- elif presence['type'] == 'unavailable':
- tab.unlock()
- if contact is None:
- return
- roster.modified()
- contact.error = None
- self.events.trigger('normal_presence', presence, contact[jid.full])
- tab = self.get_conversation_by_jid(jid, create=False)
- if isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.RosterInfoTab):
- self.refresh_window()
- elif self.current_tab() == tab:
- tab.refresh()
- self.doupdate()
-def on_presence_error(self, presence):
- jid = presence['from']
- contact = roster[jid.bare]
- if not contact:
- return
- roster.modified()
- contact.error = presence['error']['type'] + ': ' + presence['error']['condition']
- # reset chat states status on presence error
- tab = self.get_tab_by_name(jid.full, tabs.ConversationTab)
- if tab:
- tab.remote_wants_chatstates = None
-def on_got_offline(self, presence):
- """
- A JID got offline
- """
- if presence.match('presence/muc') or presence.xml.find('{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user}x'):
- return
- jid = presence['from']
- if not logger.log_roster_change(jid.bare, 'got offline'):
- self.information('Unable to write in the log file', 'Error')
- # If a resource got offline, display the message in the conversation with this
- # precise resource.
- contact = roster[jid.bare]
- name = jid.bare
- if contact:
- roster.connected -= 1
- if contact.name:
- name = contact.name
- if jid.resource:
- self.add_information_message_to_conversation_tab(jid.full, '\x195}%s is \x191}offline' % name)
- self.add_information_message_to_conversation_tab(jid.bare, '\x195}%s is \x191}offline' % name)
- self.information('\x193}%s \x195}is \x191}offline' % name, 'Roster')
- roster.modified()
- if isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.RosterInfoTab):
- self.refresh_window()
-def on_got_online(self, presence):
- """
- A JID got online
- """
- if presence.match('presence/muc') or presence.xml.find('{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user}x'):
- return
- jid = presence['from']
- contact = roster[jid.bare]
- if contact is None:
- # Todo, handle presence coming from contacts not in roster
- return
- roster.connected += 1
- roster.modified()
- if not logger.log_roster_change(jid.bare, 'got online'):
- self.information('Unable to write in the log file', 'Error')
- resource = Resource(jid.full, {
- 'priority': presence.get_priority() or 0,
- 'status': presence['status'],
- 'show': presence['show'],
- })
- self.events.trigger('normal_presence', presence, resource)
- name = contact.name if contact.name else jid.bare
- self.add_information_message_to_conversation_tab(jid.full, '\x195}%s is \x194}online' % name)
- if time.time() - self.connection_time > 10:
- # We do not display messages if we recently logged in
- if presence['status']:
- self.information("\x193}%s \x195}is \x194}online\x195} (\x19o%s\x195})" % (name, presence['status']), "Roster")
+ sent = message['carbon_sent']
+ if (sent['to'].bare not in roster or
+ roster[sent['to'].bare].subscription == 'none'):
+ fixes.has_identity(self.xmpp, sent['to'].server,
+ identity='conference',
+ on_true=functools.partial(ignore_message, sent),
+ on_false=functools.partial(send_message, sent))
- self.information("\x193}%s \x195}is \x194}online\x195}" % name, "Roster")
- self.add_information_message_to_conversation_tab(jid.bare, '\x195}%s is \x194}online' % name)
- if isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.RosterInfoTab):
- self.refresh_window()
+ send_message(sent)
-def on_groupchat_presence(self, presence):
- """
- Triggered whenever a presence stanza is received from a user in a multi-user chat room.
- Display the presence on the room window and update the
- presence information of the concerned user
- """
- from_room = presence['from'].bare
- tab = self.get_tab_by_name(from_room, tabs.MucTab)
- if tab:
- self.events.trigger('muc_presence', presence, tab)
- tab.handle_presence(presence)
+ ### Invites ###
+ def on_groupchat_invitation(self, message):
+ """
+ Mediated invitation received
+ """
+ jid = message['from']
+ if jid.bare in self.pending_invites:
+ return
+ # there are 2 'x' tags in the messages, making message['x'] useless
+ invite = StanzaBase(self.xmpp, xml=message.find('{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user}x/{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user}invite'))
+ inviter = invite['from']
+ reason = invite['reason']
+ password = invite['password']
+ msg = "You are invited to the room %s by %s" % (jid.full, inviter.full)
+ if reason:
+ msg += "because: %s" % reason
+ if password:
+ msg += ". The password is \"%s\"." % password
+ self.information(msg, 'Info')
+ if 'invite' in config.get('beep_on').split():
+ curses.beep()
+ logger.log_roster_change(inviter.full, 'invited you to %s' % jid.full)
+ self.pending_invites[jid.bare] = inviter.full
-### Connection-related handlers ###
+ def on_groupchat_decline(self, decline):
+ "Mediated invitation declined; skip for now"
+ pass
-def on_failed_connection(self, error):
- """
- We cannot contact the remote server
- """
- self.information("Connection to remote server failed: %s" % (error,), 'Error')
+ def on_groupchat_direct_invitation(self, message):
+ """
+ Direct invitation received
+ """
+ room = safeJID(message['groupchat_invite']['jid'])
+ if room.bare in self.pending_invites:
+ return
-def on_disconnected(self, event):
- """
- When we are disconnected from remote server
- """
- roster.connected = 0
- # Stop the ping plugin. It would try to send stanza on regular basis
- self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0199'].disable_keepalive()
- roster.modified()
- for tab in self.get_tabs(tabs.MucTab):
- tab.disconnect()
- msg_typ = 'Error' if not self.legitimate_disconnect else 'Info'
- self.information("Disconnected from server.", msg_typ)
- if not self.legitimate_disconnect and config.get('auto_reconnect', True):
- self.information("Auto-reconnecting.", 'Info')
- self.xmpp.start()
+ inviter = message['from']
+ reason = message['groupchat_invite']['reason']
+ password = message['groupchat_invite']['password']
+ continue_ = message['groupchat_invite']['continue']
+ msg = "You are invited to the room %s by %s" % (room, inviter.full)
-def on_stream_error(self, event):
- """
- When we receive a stream error
- """
- if event and event['text']:
- self.information('Stream error: %s' % event['text'], 'Error')
+ if password:
+ msg += ' (password: "%s")' % password
+ if continue_:
+ msg += '\nto continue the discussion'
+ if reason:
+ msg += "\nreason: %s" % reason
-def on_failed_all_auth(self, event):
- """
- Authentication failed
- """
- self.information("Authentication failed (bad credentials?).",
- 'Error')
- self.legitimate_disconnect = True
+ self.information(msg, 'Info')
+ if 'invite' in config.get('beep_on').split():
+ curses.beep()
-def on_no_auth(self, event):
- """
- Authentication failed (no mech)
- """
- self.information("Authentication failed, no login method available.",
- 'Error')
- self.legitimate_disconnect = True
+ self.pending_invites[room.bare] = inviter.full
+ logger.log_roster_change(inviter.full, 'invited you to %s' % room.bare)
-def on_connected(self, event):
- """
- Remote host responded, but we are not yet authenticated
- """
- self.information("Connected to server.", 'Info')
+ ### "classic" messages ###
-def on_connecting(self, event):
- """
- Just before we try to connect to the server
- """
- self.legitimate_disconnect = False
+ def on_message(self, message):
+ """
+ When receiving private message from a muc OR a normal message
+ (from one of our contacts)
+ """
+ if message.find('{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user}x/{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user}invite') != None:
+ return
+ if message['type'] == 'groupchat':
+ return
+ # Differentiate both type of messages, and call the appropriate handler.
+ jid_from = message['from']
+ for tab in self.get_tabs(tabs.MucTab):
+ if tab.name == jid_from.bare:
+ if message['type'] == 'chat':
+ return self.on_groupchat_private_message(message)
+ return self.on_normal_message(message)
-def on_session_start(self, event):
- """
- Called when we are connected and authenticated
- """
- self.connection_time = time.time()
- if not self.plugins_autoloaded: # Do not reload plugins on reconnection
- self.autoload_plugins()
- self.information("Authentication success.", 'Info')
- self.information("Your JID is %s" % self.xmpp.boundjid.full, 'Info')
- if not self.xmpp.anon:
- # request the roster
- self.xmpp.get_roster()
- roster.update_contact_groups(self.xmpp.boundjid.bare)
- # send initial presence
- if config.get('send_initial_presence'):
- pres = self.xmpp.make_presence()
- pres['show'] = self.status.show
- pres['status'] = self.status.message
- self.events.trigger('send_normal_presence', pres)
- pres.send()
- self.bookmarks.get_local()
- # join all the available bookmarks. As of yet, this is just the local ones
- _join_initial_rooms(self, self.bookmarks)
- if config.get('enable_user_nick'):
- self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0172'].publish_nick(nick=self.own_nick, callback=dumb_callback)
- asyncio.async(self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0115'].update_caps())
- # Start the ping's plugin regular event
- self.xmpp.set_keepalive_values()
-### Other handlers ###
-def on_status_codes(self, message):
- """
- Handle groupchat messages with status codes.
- Those are received when a room configuration change occurs.
- """
- room_from = message['from']
- tab = self.get_tab_by_name(room_from, tabs.MucTab)
- status_codes = set([s.attrib['code'] for s in message.findall('{%s}x/{%s}status' % (tabs.NS_MUC_USER, tabs.NS_MUC_USER))])
- if '101' in status_codes:
- self.information('Your affiliation in the room %s changed' % room_from, 'Info')
- elif tab and status_codes:
- show_unavailable = '102' in status_codes
- hide_unavailable = '103' in status_codes
- non_priv = '104' in status_codes
- logging_on = '170' in status_codes
- logging_off = '171' in status_codes
- non_anon = '172' in status_codes
- semi_anon = '173' in status_codes
- full_anon = '174' in status_codes
- modif = False
- if show_unavailable or hide_unavailable or non_priv or logging_off\
- or non_anon or semi_anon or full_anon:
- tab.add_message('\x19%(info_col)s}Info: A configuration change not privacy-related occured.' %
- {'info_col': dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT)},
- typ=2)
- modif = True
- if show_unavailable:
- tab.add_message('\x19%(info_col)s}Info: The unavailable members are now shown.' %
- {'info_col': dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT)},
- typ=2)
- elif hide_unavailable:
- tab.add_message('\x19%(info_col)s}Info: The unavailable members are now hidden.' %
- {'info_col': dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT)},
- typ=2)
- if non_anon:
- tab.add_message('\x191}Warning:\x19%(info_col)s} The room is now not anonymous. (public JID)' %
- {'info_col': dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT)},
- typ=2)
- elif semi_anon:
- tab.add_message('\x19%(info_col)s}Info: The room is now semi-anonymous. (moderators-only JID)' %
- {'info_col': dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT)},
- typ=2)
- elif full_anon:
- tab.add_message('\x19%(info_col)s}Info: The room is now fully anonymous.' %
- {'info_col': dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT)},
- typ=2)
- if logging_on:
- tab.add_message('\x191}Warning: \x19%(info_col)s}This room is publicly logged' %
- {'info_col': dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT)},
- typ=2)
- elif logging_off:
- tab.add_message('\x19%(info_col)s}Info: This room is not logged anymore.' %
- {'info_col': dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT)},
- typ=2)
- if modif:
+ def on_error_message(self, message):
+ """
+ When receiving any message with type="error"
+ """
+ jid_from = message['from']
+ for tab in self.get_tabs(tabs.MucTab):
+ if tab.name == jid_from.bare:
+ if message['type'] == 'error':
+ return self.room_error(message, jid_from.bare)
+ else:
+ return self.on_groupchat_private_message(message)
+ tab = self.get_conversation_by_jid(message['from'], create=False)
+ error_msg = self.get_error_message(message, deprecated=True)
+ if not tab:
+ return self.information(error_msg, 'Error')
+ error = '\x19%s}%s\x19o' % (dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_CHAR_NACK),
+ error_msg)
+ if not tab.nack_message('\n' + error, message['id'], message['to']):
+ tab.add_message(error, typ=0)
-def on_groupchat_subject(self, message):
- """
- Triggered when the topic is changed.
- """
- nick_from = message['mucnick']
- room_from = message.get_mucroom()
- tab = self.get_tab_by_name(room_from, tabs.MucTab)
- subject = message['subject']
- if subject is None or not tab:
- return
- if subject != tab.topic:
- # Do not display the message if the subject did not change or if we
- # receive an empty topic when joining the room.
- if nick_from:
- tab.add_message("\x19%(info_col)s}%(nick)s set the subject to: %(subject)s" %
- {'info_col': dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT), 'nick':nick_from, 'subject':subject},
- time=None,
- typ=2)
+ def on_normal_message(self, message):
+ """
+ When receiving "normal" messages (not a private message from a
+ muc participant)
+ """
+ if message['type'] == 'error':
+ return
+ elif message['type'] == 'headline' and message['body']:
+ return self.information('%s says: %s' % (message['from'], message['body']), 'Headline')
+ use_xhtml = config.get('enable_xhtml_im')
+ tmp_dir = config.get('tmp_image_dir') or path.join(CACHE_DIR, 'images')
+ extract_images = config.get('extract_inline_images')
+ body = xhtml.get_body_from_message_stanza(message, use_xhtml=use_xhtml,
+ tmp_dir=tmp_dir,
+ extract_images=extract_images)
+ if not body:
+ return
+ remote_nick = ''
+ # normal message, we are the recipient
+ if message['to'].bare == self.xmpp.boundjid.bare:
+ conv_jid = message['from']
+ jid = conv_jid
+ color = get_theme().COLOR_REMOTE_USER
+ # check for a name
+ if conv_jid.bare in roster:
+ remote_nick = roster[conv_jid.bare].name
+ # check for a received nick
+ if not remote_nick and config.get('enable_user_nick'):
+ if message.xml.find('{http://jabber.org/protocol/nick}nick') is not None:
+ remote_nick = message['nick']['nick']
+ if not remote_nick:
+ remote_nick = conv_jid.user
+ if not remote_nick:
+ remote_nick = conv_jid.full
+ own = False
+ # we wrote the message (happens with carbons)
+ elif message['from'].bare == self.xmpp.boundjid.bare:
+ conv_jid = message['to']
+ jid = self.xmpp.boundjid
+ color = get_theme().COLOR_OWN_NICK
+ remote_nick = self.own_nick
+ own = True
+ # we are not part of that message, drop it
- tab.add_message("\x19%(info_col)s}The subject is: %(subject)s" %
- {'subject':subject, 'info_col': dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT)},
- time=None,
- typ=2)
- tab.topic = subject
- tab.topic_from = nick_from
- if self.get_tab_by_name(room_from, tabs.MucTab) is self.current_tab():
+ return
+ conversation = self.get_conversation_by_jid(conv_jid, create=True)
+ if isinstance(conversation, tabs.DynamicConversationTab) and conv_jid.resource:
+ conversation.lock(conv_jid.resource)
+ if not own and not conversation.nick:
+ conversation.nick = remote_nick
+ elif not own: # keep a fixed nick during the whole conversation
+ remote_nick = conversation.nick
+ self.events.trigger('conversation_msg', message, conversation)
+ if not message['body']:
+ return
+ body = xhtml.get_body_from_message_stanza(message, use_xhtml=use_xhtml,
+ tmp_dir=tmp_dir,
+ extract_images=extract_images)
+ delayed, date = common.find_delayed_tag(message)
+ def try_modify():
+ replaced_id = message['replace']['id']
+ if replaced_id and config.get_by_tabname('group_corrections',
+ conv_jid.bare):
+ try:
+ conversation.modify_message(body, replaced_id, message['id'], jid=jid,
+ nickname=remote_nick)
+ return True
+ except CorrectionError:
+ log.debug('Unable to correct a message', exc_info=True)
+ return False
+ if not try_modify():
+ conversation.add_message(body, date,
+ nickname=remote_nick,
+ nick_color=color,
+ history=delayed,
+ identifier=message['id'],
+ jid=jid,
+ typ=1)
+ if conversation.remote_wants_chatstates is None and not delayed:
+ if message['chat_state']:
+ conversation.remote_wants_chatstates = True
+ else:
+ conversation.remote_wants_chatstates = False
+ if not own and 'private' in config.get('beep_on').split():
+ if not config.get_by_tabname('disable_beep', conv_jid.bare):
+ curses.beep()
+ if self.current_tab() is not conversation:
+ if not own:
+ conversation.state = 'private'
+ self.refresh_tab_win()
+ else:
+ conversation.set_state('normal')
+ self.refresh_tab_win()
+ else:
+ self.refresh_window()
+ def on_nick_received(self, message):
+ """
+ Called when a pep notification for an user nickname
+ is received
+ """
+ contact = roster[message['from'].bare]
+ if not contact:
+ return
+ item = message['pubsub_event']['items']['item']
+ if item.xml.find('{http://jabber.org/protocol/nick}nick'):
+ contact.name = item['nick']['nick']
+ else:
+ contact.name = ''
+ def on_gaming_event(self, message):
+ """
+ Called when a pep notification for user gaming
+ is received
+ """
+ contact = roster[message['from'].bare]
+ if not contact:
+ return
+ item = message['pubsub_event']['items']['item']
+ old_gaming = contact.gaming
+ if item.xml.find('{urn:xmpp:gaming:0}gaming'):
+ item = item['gaming']
+ # only name and server_address are used for now
+ contact.gaming = {
+ 'character_name': item['character_name'],
+ 'character_profile': item['character_profile'],
+ 'name': item['name'],
+ 'level': item['level'],
+ 'uri': item['uri'],
+ 'server_name': item['server_name'],
+ 'server_address': item['server_address'],
+ }
+ else:
+ contact.gaming = {}
+ if contact.gaming:
+ logger.log_roster_change(contact.bare_jid, 'is playing %s' % (common.format_gaming_string(contact.gaming)))
+ if old_gaming != contact.gaming and config.get_by_tabname('display_gaming_notifications', contact.bare_jid):
+ if contact.gaming:
+ self.information('%s is playing %s' % (contact.bare_jid, common.format_gaming_string(contact.gaming)), 'Gaming')
+ else:
+ self.information(contact.bare_jid + ' stopped playing.', 'Gaming')
+ def on_mood_event(self, message):
+ """
+ Called when a pep notification for an user mood
+ is received.
+ """
+ contact = roster[message['from'].bare]
+ if not contact:
+ return
+ roster.modified()
+ item = message['pubsub_event']['items']['item']
+ old_mood = contact.mood
+ if item.xml.find('{http://jabber.org/protocol/mood}mood'):
+ mood = item['mood']['value']
+ if mood:
+ mood = pep.MOODS.get(mood, mood)
+ text = item['mood']['text']
+ if text:
+ mood = '%s (%s)' % (mood, text)
+ contact.mood = mood
+ else:
+ contact.mood = ''
+ else:
+ contact.mood = ''
+ if contact.mood:
+ logger.log_roster_change(contact.bare_jid, 'has now the mood: %s' % contact.mood)
+ if old_mood != contact.mood and config.get_by_tabname('display_mood_notifications', contact.bare_jid):
+ if contact.mood:
+ self.information('Mood from '+ contact.bare_jid + ': ' + contact.mood, 'Mood')
+ else:
+ self.information(contact.bare_jid + ' stopped having his/her mood.', 'Mood')
+ def on_activity_event(self, message):
+ """
+ Called when a pep notification for an user activity
+ is received.
+ """
+ contact = roster[message['from'].bare]
+ if not contact:
+ return
+ roster.modified()
+ item = message['pubsub_event']['items']['item']
+ old_activity = contact.activity
+ if item.xml.find('{http://jabber.org/protocol/activity}activity'):
+ try:
+ activity = item['activity']['value']
+ except ValueError:
+ return
+ if activity[0]:
+ general = pep.ACTIVITIES.get(activity[0])
+ s = general['category']
+ if activity[1]:
+ s = s + '/' + general.get(activity[1], 'other')
+ text = item['activity']['text']
+ if text:
+ s = '%s (%s)' % (s, text)
+ contact.activity = s
+ else:
+ contact.activity = ''
+ else:
+ contact.activity = ''
+ if contact.activity:
+ logger.log_roster_change(contact.bare_jid, 'has now the activity %s' % contact.activity)
+ if old_activity != contact.activity and config.get_by_tabname('display_activity_notifications', contact.bare_jid):
+ if contact.activity:
+ self.information('Activity from '+ contact.bare_jid + ': ' + contact.activity, 'Activity')
+ else:
+ self.information(contact.bare_jid + ' stopped doing his/her activity.', 'Activity')
+ def on_tune_event(self, message):
+ """
+ Called when a pep notification for an user tune
+ is received
+ """
+ contact = roster[message['from'].bare]
+ if not contact:
+ return
+ roster.modified()
+ item = message['pubsub_event']['items']['item']
+ old_tune = contact.tune
+ if item.xml.find('{http://jabber.org/protocol/tune}tune'):
+ item = item['tune']
+ contact.tune = {
+ 'artist': item['artist'],
+ 'length': item['length'],
+ 'rating': item['rating'],
+ 'source': item['source'],
+ 'title': item['title'],
+ 'track': item['track'],
+ 'uri': item['uri']
+ }
+ else:
+ contact.tune = {}
+ if contact.tune:
+ logger.log_roster_change(message['from'].bare, 'is now listening to %s' % common.format_tune_string(contact.tune))
+ if old_tune != contact.tune and config.get_by_tabname('display_tune_notifications', contact.bare_jid):
+ if contact.tune:
+ self.information(
+ 'Tune from '+ message['from'].bare + ': ' + common.format_tune_string(contact.tune),
+ 'Tune')
+ else:
+ self.information(contact.bare_jid + ' stopped listening to music.', 'Tune')
+ def on_groupchat_message(self, message):
+ """
+ Triggered whenever a message is received from a multi-user chat room.
+ """
+ if message['subject']:
+ return
+ room_from = message['from'].bare
+ if message['type'] == 'error': # Check if it's an error
+ return self.room_error(message, room_from)
+ tab = self.get_tab_by_name(room_from, tabs.MucTab)
+ if not tab:
+ self.information("message received for a non-existing room: %s" % (room_from))
+ muc.leave_groupchat(self.xmpp, room_from, self.own_nick, msg='')
+ return
+ nick_from = message['mucnick']
+ user = tab.get_user_by_name(nick_from)
+ if user and user in tab.ignores:
+ return
+ self.events.trigger('muc_msg', message, tab)
+ use_xhtml = config.get('enable_xhtml_im')
+ tmp_dir = config.get('tmp_image_dir') or path.join(CACHE_DIR, 'images')
+ extract_images = config.get('extract_inline_images')
+ body = xhtml.get_body_from_message_stanza(message, use_xhtml=use_xhtml,
+ tmp_dir=tmp_dir,
+ extract_images=extract_images)
+ if not body:
+ return
+ old_state = tab.state
+ delayed, date = common.find_delayed_tag(message)
+ replaced_id = message['replace']['id']
+ replaced = False
+ if replaced_id is not '' and config.get_by_tabname('group_corrections',
+ message['from'].bare):
+ try:
+ delayed_date = date or datetime.now()
+ if tab.modify_message(body, replaced_id, message['id'],
+ time=delayed_date,
+ nickname=nick_from, user=user):
+ self.events.trigger('highlight', message, tab)
+ replaced = True
+ except CorrectionError:
+ log.debug('Unable to correct a message', exc_info=True)
+ if not replaced and tab.add_message(body, date, nick_from, history=delayed, identifier=message['id'], jid=message['from'], typ=1):
+ self.events.trigger('highlight', message, tab)
+ if message['from'].resource == tab.own_nick:
+ tab.last_sent_message = message
+ if tab is self.current_tab():
+ tab.text_win.refresh()
+ tab.info_header.refresh(tab, tab.text_win)
+ tab.input.refresh()
+ self.doupdate()
+ elif tab.state != old_state:
+ self.refresh_tab_win()
+ current = self.current_tab()
+ if hasattr(current, 'input') and current.input:
+ current.input.refresh()
+ self.doupdate()
+ if 'message' in config.get('beep_on').split():
+ if (not config.get_by_tabname('disable_beep', room_from)
+ and self.own_nick != message['from'].resource):
+ curses.beep()
+ def on_muc_own_nickchange(self, muc):
+ "We changed our nick in a MUC"
+ for tab in self.get_tabs(tabs.PrivateTab):
+ if tab.parent_muc == muc:
+ tab.own_nick = muc.own_nick
+ def on_groupchat_private_message(self, message):
+ """
+ We received a Private Message (from someone in a Muc)
+ """
+ jid = message['from']
+ nick_from = jid.resource
+ if not nick_from:
+ return self.on_groupchat_message(message)
+ room_from = jid.bare
+ use_xhtml = config.get('enable_xhtml_im')
+ tmp_dir = config.get('tmp_image_dir') or path.join(CACHE_DIR, 'images')
+ extract_images = config.get('extract_inline_images')
+ body = xhtml.get_body_from_message_stanza(message, use_xhtml=use_xhtml,
+ tmp_dir=tmp_dir,
+ extract_images=extract_images)
+ tab = self.get_tab_by_name(jid.full, tabs.PrivateTab) # get the tab with the private conversation
+ ignore = config.get_by_tabname('ignore_private', room_from)
+ if not tab: # It's the first message we receive: create the tab
+ if body and not ignore:
+ tab = self.open_private_window(room_from, nick_from, False)
+ if ignore:
+ self.events.trigger('ignored_private', message, tab)
+ msg = config.get_by_tabname('private_auto_response', room_from)
+ if msg and body:
+ self.xmpp.send_message(mto=jid.full, mbody=msg, mtype='chat')
+ return
+ self.events.trigger('private_msg', message, tab)
+ body = xhtml.get_body_from_message_stanza(message, use_xhtml=use_xhtml,
+ tmp_dir=tmp_dir,
+ extract_images=extract_images)
+ if not body or not tab:
+ return
+ replaced_id = message['replace']['id']
+ replaced = False
+ user = tab.parent_muc.get_user_by_name(nick_from)
+ if replaced_id is not '' and config.get_by_tabname('group_corrections',
+ room_from):
+ try:
+ tab.modify_message(body, replaced_id, message['id'], user=user, jid=message['from'],
+ nickname=nick_from)
+ replaced = True
+ except CorrectionError:
+ log.debug('Unable to correct a message', exc_info=True)
+ if not replaced:
+ tab.add_message(body, time=None, nickname=nick_from,
+ forced_user=user,
+ identifier=message['id'],
+ jid=message['from'],
+ typ=1)
+ if tab.remote_wants_chatstates is None:
+ if message['chat_state']:
+ tab.remote_wants_chatstates = True
+ else:
+ tab.remote_wants_chatstates = False
+ if 'private' in config.get('beep_on').split():
+ if not config.get_by_tabname('disable_beep', jid.full):
+ curses.beep()
+ if tab is self.current_tab():
+ self.refresh_window()
+ else:
+ tab.state = 'private'
+ self.refresh_tab_win()
+ ### Chatstates ###
+ def on_chatstate_active(self, message):
+ self.on_chatstate(message, "active")
+ def on_chatstate_inactive(self, message):
+ self.on_chatstate(message, "inactive")
+ def on_chatstate_composing(self, message):
+ self.on_chatstate(message, "composing")
+ def on_chatstate_paused(self, message):
+ self.on_chatstate(message, "paused")
+ def on_chatstate_gone(self, message):
+ self.on_chatstate(message, "gone")
+ def on_chatstate(self, message, state):
+ if message['type'] == 'chat':
+ if not self.on_chatstate_normal_conversation(message, state):
+ tab = self.get_tab_by_name(message['from'].full, tabs.PrivateTab)
+ if not tab:
+ return
+ self.on_chatstate_private_conversation(message, state)
+ elif message['type'] == 'groupchat':
+ self.on_chatstate_groupchat_conversation(message, state)
+ def on_chatstate_normal_conversation(self, message, state):
+ tab = self.get_conversation_by_jid(message['from'], False)
+ if not tab:
+ return False
+ tab.remote_wants_chatstates = True
+ self.events.trigger('normal_chatstate', message, tab)
+ tab.chatstate = state
+ if state == 'gone' and isinstance(tab, tabs.DynamicConversationTab):
+ tab.unlock()
+ if tab == self.current_tab():
+ tab.refresh_info_header()
+ self.doupdate()
+ else:
+ _composing_tab_state(tab, state)
+ self.refresh_tab_win()
+ return True
+ def on_chatstate_private_conversation(self, message, state):
+ """
+ Chatstate received in a private conversation from a MUC
+ """
+ tab = self.get_tab_by_name(message['from'].full, tabs.PrivateTab)
+ if not tab:
+ return
+ tab.remote_wants_chatstates = True
+ self.events.trigger('private_chatstate', message, tab)
+ tab.chatstate = state
+ if tab == self.current_tab():
+ tab.refresh_info_header()
+ self.doupdate()
+ else:
+ _composing_tab_state(tab, state)
+ self.refresh_tab_win()
+ return True
+ def on_chatstate_groupchat_conversation(self, message, state):
+ """
+ Chatstate received in a MUC
+ """
+ nick = message['mucnick']
+ room_from = message.get_mucroom()
+ tab = self.get_tab_by_name(room_from, tabs.MucTab)
+ if tab and tab.get_user_by_name(nick):
+ self.events.trigger('muc_chatstate', message, tab)
+ tab.get_user_by_name(nick).chatstate = state
+ if tab == self.current_tab():
+ if not self.size.tab_degrade_x:
+ tab.user_win.refresh(tab.users)
+ tab.input.refresh()
+ self.doupdate()
+ else:
+ _composing_tab_state(tab, state)
+ self.refresh_tab_win()
+ ### subscription-related handlers ###
+ def on_roster_update(self, iq):
+ """
+ The roster was received.
+ """
+ for item in iq['roster']:
+ try:
+ jid = item['jid']
+ except InvalidJID:
+ jid = item._get_attr('jid', '')
+ log.error('Invalid JID: "%s"', jid, exc_info=True)
+ else:
+ if item['subscription'] == 'remove':
+ del roster[jid]
+ else:
+ roster.update_contact_groups(jid)
+ roster.update_size()
+ if isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.RosterInfoTab):
+ self.refresh_window()
+ def on_subscription_request(self, presence):
+ """subscribe received"""
+ jid = presence['from'].bare
+ contact = roster[jid]
+ if contact and contact.subscription in ('from', 'both'):
+ return
+ elif contact and contact.subscription == 'to':
+ self.xmpp.sendPresence(pto=jid, ptype='subscribed')
+ self.xmpp.sendPresence(pto=jid)
+ else:
+ if not contact:
+ contact = roster.get_and_set(jid)
+ roster.update_contact_groups(contact)
+ contact.pending_in = True
+ self.information('%s wants to subscribe to your presence, use '
+ '/accept or /deny in the roster '
+ 'tab to accept or reject the query.' % jid,
+ 'Roster')
+ self.get_tab_by_number(0).state = 'highlight'
+ roster.modified()
+ if isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.RosterInfoTab):
+ self.refresh_window()
+ def on_subscription_authorized(self, presence):
+ """subscribed received"""
+ jid = presence['from'].bare
+ contact = roster[jid]
+ if contact.subscription not in ('both', 'from'):
+ self.information('%s accepted your contact proposal' % jid, 'Roster')
+ if contact.pending_out:
+ contact.pending_out = False
+ roster.modified()
+ if isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.RosterInfoTab):
+ self.refresh_window()
+ def on_subscription_remove(self, presence):
+ """unsubscribe received"""
+ jid = presence['from'].bare
+ contact = roster[jid]
+ if not contact:
+ return
+ roster.modified()
+ self.information('%s does not want to receive your status anymore.' % jid, 'Roster')
+ self.get_tab_by_number(0).state = 'highlight'
+ if isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.RosterInfoTab):
+ self.refresh_window()
+ def on_subscription_removed(self, presence):
+ """unsubscribed received"""
+ jid = presence['from'].bare
+ contact = roster[jid]
+ if not contact:
+ return
+ roster.modified()
+ if contact.pending_out:
+ self.information('%s rejected your contact proposal' % jid, 'Roster')
+ contact.pending_out = False
+ else:
+ self.information('%s does not want you to receive his/her/its status anymore.'%jid, 'Roster')
+ self.get_tab_by_number(0).state = 'highlight'
+ if isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.RosterInfoTab):
+ self.refresh_window()
+ ### Presence-related handlers ###
+ def on_presence(self, presence):
+ if presence.match('presence/muc') or presence.xml.find('{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user}x'):
+ return
+ jid = presence['from']
+ contact = roster[jid.bare]
+ tab = self.get_conversation_by_jid(jid, create=False)
+ if isinstance(tab, tabs.DynamicConversationTab):
+ if tab.get_dest_jid() != jid.full:
+ tab.unlock(from_=jid.full)
+ elif presence['type'] == 'unavailable':
+ tab.unlock()
+ if contact is None:
+ return
+ roster.modified()
+ contact.error = None
+ self.events.trigger('normal_presence', presence, contact[jid.full])
+ tab = self.get_conversation_by_jid(jid, create=False)
+ if isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.RosterInfoTab):
+ self.refresh_window()
+ elif self.current_tab() == tab:
+ tab.refresh()
+ self.doupdate()
+ def on_presence_error(self, presence):
+ jid = presence['from']
+ contact = roster[jid.bare]
+ if not contact:
+ return
+ roster.modified()
+ contact.error = presence['error']['type'] + ': ' + presence['error']['condition']
+ # reset chat states status on presence error
+ tab = self.get_tab_by_name(jid.full, tabs.ConversationTab)
+ if tab:
+ tab.remote_wants_chatstates = None
+ def on_got_offline(self, presence):
+ """
+ A JID got offline
+ """
+ if presence.match('presence/muc') or presence.xml.find('{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user}x'):
+ return
+ jid = presence['from']
+ if not logger.log_roster_change(jid.bare, 'got offline'):
+ self.information('Unable to write in the log file', 'Error')
+ # If a resource got offline, display the message in the conversation with this
+ # precise resource.
+ contact = roster[jid.bare]
+ name = jid.bare
+ if contact:
+ roster.connected -= 1
+ if contact.name:
+ name = contact.name
+ if jid.resource:
+ self.add_information_message_to_conversation_tab(jid.full, '\x195}%s is \x191}offline' % name)
+ self.add_information_message_to_conversation_tab(jid.bare, '\x195}%s is \x191}offline' % name)
+ self.information('\x193}%s \x195}is \x191}offline' % name, 'Roster')
+ roster.modified()
+ if isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.RosterInfoTab):
+ self.refresh_window()
+ def on_got_online(self, presence):
+ """
+ A JID got online
+ """
+ if presence.match('presence/muc') or presence.xml.find('{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user}x'):
+ return
+ jid = presence['from']
+ contact = roster[jid.bare]
+ if contact is None:
+ # Todo, handle presence coming from contacts not in roster
+ return
+ roster.connected += 1
+ roster.modified()
+ if not logger.log_roster_change(jid.bare, 'got online'):
+ self.information('Unable to write in the log file', 'Error')
+ resource = Resource(jid.full, {
+ 'priority': presence.get_priority() or 0,
+ 'status': presence['status'],
+ 'show': presence['show'],
+ })
+ self.events.trigger('normal_presence', presence, resource)
+ name = contact.name if contact.name else jid.bare
+ self.add_information_message_to_conversation_tab(jid.full, '\x195}%s is \x194}online' % name)
+ if time.time() - self.connection_time > 10:
+ # We do not display messages if we recently logged in
+ if presence['status']:
+ self.information("\x193}%s \x195}is \x194}online\x195} (\x19o%s\x195})" % (name, presence['status']), "Roster")
+ else:
+ self.information("\x193}%s \x195}is \x194}online\x195}" % name, "Roster")
+ self.add_information_message_to_conversation_tab(jid.bare, '\x195}%s is \x194}online' % name)
+ if isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.RosterInfoTab):
+ self.refresh_window()
+ def on_groupchat_presence(self, presence):
+ """
+ Triggered whenever a presence stanza is received from a user in a multi-user chat room.
+ Display the presence on the room window and update the
+ presence information of the concerned user
+ """
+ from_room = presence['from'].bare
+ tab = self.get_tab_by_name(from_room, tabs.MucTab)
+ if tab:
+ self.events.trigger('muc_presence', presence, tab)
+ tab.handle_presence(presence)
+ ### Connection-related handlers ###
+ def on_failed_connection(self, error):
+ """
+ We cannot contact the remote server
+ """
+ self.information("Connection to remote server failed: %s" % (error,), 'Error')
+ def on_disconnected(self, event):
+ """
+ When we are disconnected from remote server
+ """
+ roster.connected = 0
+ # Stop the ping plugin. It would try to send stanza on regular basis
+ self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0199'].disable_keepalive()
+ roster.modified()
+ for tab in self.get_tabs(tabs.MucTab):
+ tab.disconnect()
+ msg_typ = 'Error' if not self.legitimate_disconnect else 'Info'
+ self.information("Disconnected from server.", msg_typ)
+ if not self.legitimate_disconnect and config.get('auto_reconnect', True):
+ self.information("Auto-reconnecting.", 'Info')
+ self.xmpp.start()
+ def on_stream_error(self, event):
+ """
+ When we receive a stream error
+ """
+ if event and event['text']:
+ self.information('Stream error: %s' % event['text'], 'Error')
+ def on_failed_all_auth(self, event):
+ """
+ Authentication failed
+ """
+ self.information("Authentication failed (bad credentials?).",
+ 'Error')
+ self.legitimate_disconnect = True
+ def on_no_auth(self, event):
+ """
+ Authentication failed (no mech)
+ """
+ self.information("Authentication failed, no login method available.",
+ 'Error')
+ self.legitimate_disconnect = True
+ def on_connected(self, event):
+ """
+ Remote host responded, but we are not yet authenticated
+ """
+ self.information("Connected to server.", 'Info')
+ def on_connecting(self, event):
+ """
+ Just before we try to connect to the server
+ """
+ self.legitimate_disconnect = False
+ def on_session_start(self, event):
+ """
+ Called when we are connected and authenticated
+ """
+ self.connection_time = time.time()
+ if not self.plugins_autoloaded: # Do not reload plugins on reconnection
+ self.autoload_plugins()
+ self.information("Authentication success.", 'Info')
+ self.information("Your JID is %s" % self.xmpp.boundjid.full, 'Info')
+ if not self.xmpp.anon:
+ # request the roster
+ self.xmpp.get_roster()
+ roster.update_contact_groups(self.xmpp.boundjid.bare)
+ # send initial presence
+ if config.get('send_initial_presence'):
+ pres = self.xmpp.make_presence()
+ pres['show'] = self.status.show
+ pres['status'] = self.status.message
+ self.events.trigger('send_normal_presence', pres)
+ pres.send()
+ self.bookmarks.get_local()
+ # join all the available bookmarks. As of yet, this is just the local ones
+ _join_initial_rooms(self, self.bookmarks)
+ if config.get('enable_user_nick'):
+ self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0172'].publish_nick(nick=self.own_nick, callback=dumb_callback)
+ asyncio.async(self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0115'].update_caps())
+ # Start the ping's plugin regular event
+ self.xmpp.set_keepalive_values()
+ ### Other handlers ###
+ def on_status_codes(self, message):
+ """
+ Handle groupchat messages with status codes.
+ Those are received when a room configuration change occurs.
+ """
+ room_from = message['from']
+ tab = self.get_tab_by_name(room_from, tabs.MucTab)
+ status_codes = set([s.attrib['code'] for s in message.findall('{%s}x/{%s}status' % (tabs.NS_MUC_USER, tabs.NS_MUC_USER))])
+ if '101' in status_codes:
+ self.information('Your affiliation in the room %s changed' % room_from, 'Info')
+ elif tab and status_codes:
+ show_unavailable = '102' in status_codes
+ hide_unavailable = '103' in status_codes
+ non_priv = '104' in status_codes
+ logging_on = '170' in status_codes
+ logging_off = '171' in status_codes
+ non_anon = '172' in status_codes
+ semi_anon = '173' in status_codes
+ full_anon = '174' in status_codes
+ modif = False
+ if show_unavailable or hide_unavailable or non_priv or logging_off\
+ or non_anon or semi_anon or full_anon:
+ tab.add_message('\x19%(info_col)s}Info: A configuration change not privacy-related occured.' %
+ {'info_col': dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT)},
+ typ=2)
+ modif = True
+ if show_unavailable:
+ tab.add_message('\x19%(info_col)s}Info: The unavailable members are now shown.' %
+ {'info_col': dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT)},
+ typ=2)
+ elif hide_unavailable:
+ tab.add_message('\x19%(info_col)s}Info: The unavailable members are now hidden.' %
+ {'info_col': dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT)},
+ typ=2)
+ if non_anon:
+ tab.add_message('\x191}Warning:\x19%(info_col)s} The room is now not anonymous. (public JID)' %
+ {'info_col': dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT)},
+ typ=2)
+ elif semi_anon:
+ tab.add_message('\x19%(info_col)s}Info: The room is now semi-anonymous. (moderators-only JID)' %
+ {'info_col': dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT)},
+ typ=2)
+ elif full_anon:
+ tab.add_message('\x19%(info_col)s}Info: The room is now fully anonymous.' %
+ {'info_col': dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT)},
+ typ=2)
+ if logging_on:
+ tab.add_message('\x191}Warning: \x19%(info_col)s}This room is publicly logged' %
+ {'info_col': dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT)},
+ typ=2)
+ elif logging_off:
+ tab.add_message('\x19%(info_col)s}Info: This room is not logged anymore.' %
+ {'info_col': dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT)},
+ typ=2)
+ if modif:
+ self.refresh_window()
+ def on_groupchat_subject(self, message):
+ """
+ Triggered when the topic is changed.
+ """
+ nick_from = message['mucnick']
+ room_from = message.get_mucroom()
+ tab = self.get_tab_by_name(room_from, tabs.MucTab)
+ subject = message['subject']
+ if subject is None or not tab:
+ return
+ if subject != tab.topic:
+ # Do not display the message if the subject did not change or if we
+ # receive an empty topic when joining the room.
+ if nick_from:
+ tab.add_message("\x19%(info_col)s}%(nick)s set the subject to: %(subject)s" %
+ {'info_col': dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT), 'nick':nick_from, 'subject':subject},
+ time=None,
+ typ=2)
+ else:
+ tab.add_message("\x19%(info_col)s}The subject is: %(subject)s" %
+ {'subject':subject, 'info_col': dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT)},
+ time=None,
+ typ=2)
+ tab.topic = subject
+ tab.topic_from = nick_from
+ if self.get_tab_by_name(room_from, tabs.MucTab) is self.current_tab():
+ self.refresh_window()
+ def on_receipt(self, message):
+ """
+ When a delivery receipt is received (XEP-0184)
+ """
+ jid = message['from']
+ msg_id = message['receipt']
+ if not msg_id:
+ return
+ conversation = self.get_tab_by_name(jid, tabs.ChatTab)
+ conversation = conversation or self.get_tab_by_name(jid.bare, tabs.ChatTab)
+ if not conversation:
+ return
+ try:
+ conversation.ack_message(msg_id, self.xmpp.boundjid)
+ except AckError:
+ log.debug('Error while receiving an ack', exc_info=True)
+ def on_data_form(self, message):
+ """
+ When a data form is received
+ """
+ self.information('%s' % message)
+ def on_attention(self, message):
+ """
+ Attention probe received.
+ """
+ jid_from = message['from']
+ self.information('%s requests your attention!' % jid_from, 'Info')
+ for tab in self.tabs:
+ if tab.name == jid_from:
+ tab.state = 'attention'
+ self.refresh_tab_win()
+ return
+ for tab in self.tabs:
+ if tab.name == jid_from.bare:
+ tab.state = 'attention'
+ self.refresh_tab_win()
+ return
+ self.information('%s tab not found.' % jid_from, 'Error')
+ def room_error(self, error, room_name):
+ """
+ Display the error in the tab
+ """
+ tab = self.get_tab_by_name(room_name, tabs.MucTab)
+ if not tab:
+ return
+ error_message = self.get_error_message(error)
+ tab.add_message(error_message, highlight=True, nickname='Error',
+ nick_color=get_theme().COLOR_ERROR_MSG, typ=2)
+ code = error['error']['code']
+ if code == '401':
+ msg = 'To provide a password in order to join the room, type "/join / password" (replace "password" by the real password)'
+ tab.add_message(msg, typ=2)
+ if code == '409':
+ if config.get('alternative_nickname') != '':
+ self.command_join('%s/%s'% (tab.name, tab.own_nick+config.get('alternative_nickname')))
+ else:
+ if not tab.joined:
+ tab.add_message('You can join the room with an other nick, by typing "/join /other_nick"', typ=2)
-def on_receipt(self, message):
- """
- When a delivery receipt is received (XEP-0184)
- """
- jid = message['from']
- msg_id = message['receipt']
- if not msg_id:
- return
+ def outgoing_stanza(self, stanza):
+ """
+ We are sending a new stanza, write it in the xml buffer if needed.
+ """
+ if self.xml_tab:
+ xhtml_text = highlight('%s' % stanza, LEXER, FORMATTER)
+ poezio_colored = xhtml.xhtml_to_poezio_colors(xhtml_text, force=True).rstrip('\x19o').strip()
+ else:
+ poezio_colored = '%s' % stanza
+ self.add_message_to_text_buffer(self.xml_buffer, poezio_colored,
+ nickname=get_theme().CHAR_XML_OUT)
+ try:
+ if self.xml_tab.match_stanza(ElementBase(ET.fromstring(stanza))):
+ self.add_message_to_text_buffer(self.xml_tab.filtered_buffer, poezio_colored,
+ nickname=get_theme().CHAR_XML_OUT)
+ except:
+ log.debug('', exc_info=True)
- conversation = self.get_tab_by_name(jid, tabs.ChatTab)
- conversation = conversation or self.get_tab_by_name(jid.bare, tabs.ChatTab)
- if not conversation:
- return
+ if isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.XMLTab):
+ self.current_tab().refresh()
+ self.doupdate()
- try:
- conversation.ack_message(msg_id, self.xmpp.boundjid)
- except AckError:
- log.debug('Error while receiving an ack', exc_info=True)
+ def incoming_stanza(self, stanza):
+ """
+ We are receiving a new stanza, write it in the xml buffer if needed.
+ """
+ if self.xml_tab:
+ xhtml_text = highlight('%s' % stanza, LEXER, FORMATTER)
+ poezio_colored = xhtml.xhtml_to_poezio_colors(xhtml_text, force=True).rstrip('\x19o').strip()
+ else:
+ poezio_colored = '%s' % stanza
+ self.add_message_to_text_buffer(self.xml_buffer, poezio_colored,
+ nickname=get_theme().CHAR_XML_IN)
+ try:
+ if self.xml_tab.match_stanza(stanza):
+ self.add_message_to_text_buffer(self.xml_tab.filtered_buffer, poezio_colored,
+ nickname=get_theme().CHAR_XML_IN)
+ except:
+ log.debug('', exc_info=True)
+ if isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.XMLTab):
+ self.current_tab().refresh()
+ self.doupdate()
-def on_data_form(self, message):
- """
- When a data form is received
- """
- self.information('%s' % message)
+ def ssl_invalid_chain(self, tb):
+ self.information('The certificate sent by the server is invalid.', 'Error')
+ self.disconnect()
-def on_attention(self, message):
- """
- Attention probe received.
- """
- jid_from = message['from']
- self.information('%s requests your attention!' % jid_from, 'Info')
- for tab in self.tabs:
- if tab.name == jid_from:
- tab.state = 'attention'
- self.refresh_tab_win()
+ def validate_ssl(self, pem):
+ """
+ Check the server certificate using the slixmpp ssl_cert event
+ """
+ if config.get('ignore_certificate'):
- for tab in self.tabs:
- if tab.name == jid_from.bare:
- tab.state = 'attention'
- self.refresh_tab_win()
- return
- self.information('%s tab not found.' % jid_from, 'Error')
+ cert = config.get('certificate')
+ # update the cert representation when it uses the old one
+ if cert and not ':' in cert:
+ cert = ':'.join(i + j for i, j in zip(cert[::2], cert[1::2])).upper()
+ config.set_and_save('certificate', cert)
-def room_error(self, error, room_name):
- """
- Display the error in the tab
- """
- tab = self.get_tab_by_name(room_name, tabs.MucTab)
- if not tab:
- return
- error_message = self.get_error_message(error)
- tab.add_message(error_message, highlight=True, nickname='Error',
- nick_color=get_theme().COLOR_ERROR_MSG, typ=2)
- code = error['error']['code']
- if code == '401':
- msg = 'To provide a password in order to join the room, type "/join / password" (replace "password" by the real password)'
- tab.add_message(msg, typ=2)
- if code == '409':
- if config.get('alternative_nickname') != '':
- self.command_join('%s/%s'% (tab.name, tab.own_nick+config.get('alternative_nickname')))
- else:
- if not tab.joined:
- tab.add_message('You can join the room with an other nick, by typing "/join /other_nick"', typ=2)
- self.refresh_window()
-def outgoing_stanza(self, stanza):
- """
- We are sending a new stanza, write it in the xml buffer if needed.
- """
- if self.xml_tab:
- xhtml_text = highlight('%s' % stanza, LEXER, FORMATTER)
- poezio_colored = xhtml.xhtml_to_poezio_colors(xhtml_text, force=True).rstrip('\x19o').strip()
- else:
- poezio_colored = '%s' % stanza
- self.add_message_to_text_buffer(self.xml_buffer, poezio_colored,
- nickname=get_theme().CHAR_XML_OUT)
- try:
- if self.xml_tab.match_stanza(ElementBase(ET.fromstring(stanza))):
- self.add_message_to_text_buffer(self.xml_tab.filtered_buffer, poezio_colored,
- nickname=get_theme().CHAR_XML_OUT)
- except:
- log.debug('', exc_info=True)
- if isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.XMLTab):
- self.current_tab().refresh()
- self.doupdate()
-def incoming_stanza(self, stanza):
- """
- We are receiving a new stanza, write it in the xml buffer if needed.
- """
- if self.xml_tab:
- xhtml_text = highlight('%s' % stanza, LEXER, FORMATTER)
- poezio_colored = xhtml.xhtml_to_poezio_colors(xhtml_text, force=True).rstrip('\x19o').strip()
- else:
- poezio_colored = '%s' % stanza
- self.add_message_to_text_buffer(self.xml_buffer, poezio_colored,
- nickname=get_theme().CHAR_XML_IN)
- try:
- if self.xml_tab.match_stanza(stanza):
- self.add_message_to_text_buffer(self.xml_tab.filtered_buffer, poezio_colored,
- nickname=get_theme().CHAR_XML_IN)
- except:
- log.debug('', exc_info=True)
- if isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.XMLTab):
- self.current_tab().refresh()
- self.doupdate()
-def ssl_invalid_chain(self, tb):
- self.information('The certificate sent by the server is invalid.', 'Error')
- self.disconnect()
-def validate_ssl(self, pem):
- """
- Check the server certificate using the slixmpp ssl_cert event
- """
- if config.get('ignore_certificate'):
- return
- cert = config.get('certificate')
- # update the cert representation when it uses the old one
- if cert and not ':' in cert:
- cert = ':'.join(i + j for i, j in zip(cert[::2], cert[1::2])).upper()
- config.set_and_save('certificate', cert)
- der = ssl.PEM_cert_to_DER_cert(pem)
- sha1_digest = sha1(der).hexdigest().upper()
- sha1_found_cert = ':'.join(i + j for i, j in zip(sha1_digest[::2], sha1_digest[1::2]))
- sha2_digest = sha512(der).hexdigest().upper()
- sha2_found_cert = ':'.join(i + j for i, j in zip(sha2_digest[::2], sha2_digest[1::2]))
- if cert:
- if sha1_found_cert == cert:
- log.debug('Cert %s OK', sha1_found_cert)
- log.debug('Current hash is SHA-1, moving to SHA-2 (%s)',
- sha2_found_cert)
- config.set_and_save('certificate', sha2_found_cert)
- return
- elif sha2_found_cert == cert:
- log.debug('Cert %s OK', sha2_found_cert)
- return
- else:
- saved_input = self.current_tab().input
- log.debug('\nWARNING: CERTIFICATE CHANGED old: %s, new: %s\n', cert, sha2_found_cert)
- self.information('New certificate found (sha-2 hash:'
- ' %s)\nPlease validate or abort' % sha2_found_cert,
- 'Warning')
- def check_input():
- self.current_tab().input = saved_input
- if input.value:
- self.information('Setting new certificate: old: %s, new: %s' % (cert, sha2_found_cert), 'Info')
- log.debug('Setting certificate to %s', sha2_found_cert)
- if not config.silent_set('certificate', sha2_found_cert):
- self.information('Unable to write in the config file', 'Error')
- else:
- self.information('You refused to validate the certificate. You are now disconnected', 'Info')
- self.disconnect()
- new_loop.stop()
- asyncio.set_event_loop(old_loop)
- input = windows.YesNoInput(text="WARNING! Server certificate has changed, accept? (y/n)", callback=check_input)
- self.current_tab().input = input
- input.resize(1, self.current_tab().width, self.current_tab().height-1, 0)
- input.refresh()
- self.doupdate()
- old_loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
- new_loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
- asyncio.set_event_loop(new_loop)
- new_loop.add_reader(sys.stdin, self.on_input_readable)
- curses.beep()
- new_loop.run_forever()
- else:
- log.debug('First time. Setting certificate to %s', sha2_found_cert)
- if not config.silent_set('certificate', sha2_found_cert):
- self.information('Unable to write in the config file', 'Error')
-def _composing_tab_state(tab, state):
- """
- Set a tab state to or from the "composing" state
- according to the config and the current tab state
- """
- if isinstance(tab, tabs.MucTab):
- values = ('true', 'muc')
- elif isinstance(tab, tabs.PrivateTab):
- values = ('true', 'direct', 'private')
- elif isinstance(tab, tabs.ConversationTab):
- values = ('true', 'direct', 'conversation')
- else:
- return # should not happen
- show = config.get('show_composing_tabs')
- show = show in values
- if tab.state != 'composing' and state == 'composing':
- if show:
- if tabs.STATE_PRIORITY[tab.state] > tabs.STATE_PRIORITY[state]:
+ der = ssl.PEM_cert_to_DER_cert(pem)
+ sha1_digest = sha1(der).hexdigest().upper()
+ sha1_found_cert = ':'.join(i + j for i, j in zip(sha1_digest[::2], sha1_digest[1::2]))
+ sha2_digest = sha512(der).hexdigest().upper()
+ sha2_found_cert = ':'.join(i + j for i, j in zip(sha2_digest[::2], sha2_digest[1::2]))
+ if cert:
+ if sha1_found_cert == cert:
+ log.debug('Cert %s OK', sha1_found_cert)
+ log.debug('Current hash is SHA-1, moving to SHA-2 (%s)',
+ sha2_found_cert)
+ config.set_and_save('certificate', sha2_found_cert)
- tab.save_state()
- tab.state = 'composing'
- elif tab.state == 'composing' and state != 'composing':
- tab.restore_state()
+ elif sha2_found_cert == cert:
+ log.debug('Cert %s OK', sha2_found_cert)
+ return
+ else:
+ saved_input = self.current_tab().input
+ log.debug('\nWARNING: CERTIFICATE CHANGED old: %s, new: %s\n', cert, sha2_found_cert)
+ self.information('New certificate found (sha-2 hash:'
+ ' %s)\nPlease validate or abort' % sha2_found_cert,
+ 'Warning')
+ def check_input():
+ self.current_tab().input = saved_input
+ if input.value:
+ self.information('Setting new certificate: old: %s, new: %s' % (cert, sha2_found_cert), 'Info')
+ log.debug('Setting certificate to %s', sha2_found_cert)
+ if not config.silent_set('certificate', sha2_found_cert):
+ self.information('Unable to write in the config file', 'Error')
+ else:
+ self.information('You refused to validate the certificate. You are now disconnected', 'Info')
+ self.disconnect()
+ new_loop.stop()
+ asyncio.set_event_loop(old_loop)
+ input = windows.YesNoInput(text="WARNING! Server certificate has changed, accept? (y/n)", callback=check_input)
+ self.current_tab().input = input
+ input.resize(1, self.current_tab().width, self.current_tab().height-1, 0)
+ input.refresh()
+ self.doupdate()
+ old_loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
+ new_loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
+ asyncio.set_event_loop(new_loop)
+ new_loop.add_reader(sys.stdin, self.on_input_readable)
+ curses.beep()
+ new_loop.run_forever()
+ else:
+ log.debug('First time. Setting certificate to %s', sha2_found_cert)
+ if not config.silent_set('certificate', sha2_found_cert):
+ self.information('Unable to write in the config file', 'Error')
-### Ad-hoc commands
+ def _composing_tab_state(tab, state):
+ """
+ Set a tab state to or from the "composing" state
+ according to the config and the current tab state
+ """
+ if isinstance(tab, tabs.MucTab):
+ values = ('true', 'muc')
+ elif isinstance(tab, tabs.PrivateTab):
+ values = ('true', 'direct', 'private')
+ elif isinstance(tab, tabs.ConversationTab):
+ values = ('true', 'direct', 'conversation')
+ else:
+ return # should not happen
-def on_next_adhoc_step(self, iq, adhoc_session):
- status = iq['command']['status']
- xform = iq.xml.find('{http://jabber.org/protocol/commands}command/{jabber:x:data}x')
- if xform is not None:
- form = self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0004'].buildForm(xform)
- else:
- form = None
+ show = config.get('show_composing_tabs')
+ show = show in values
- if status == 'error':
- return self.information("An error occured while executing the command")
+ if tab.state != 'composing' and state == 'composing':
+ if show:
+ if tabs.STATE_PRIORITY[tab.state] > tabs.STATE_PRIORITY[state]:
+ return
+ tab.save_state()
+ tab.state = 'composing'
+ elif tab.state == 'composing' and state != 'composing':
+ tab.restore_state()
- if status == 'executing':
- if not form:
- self.information("Adhoc command step does not contain a data-form. Aborting the execution.", "Error")
- return self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0050'].cancel_command(adhoc_session)
- on_validate = self.validate_adhoc_step
- on_cancel = self.cancel_adhoc_command
- if status == 'completed':
- on_validate = lambda form, session: self.close_tab()
- on_cancel = lambda form, session: self.close_tab()
+ ### Ad-hoc commands
- # If a form is available, use it, and add the Notes from the
- # response to it, if any
- if form:
- for note in iq['command']['notes']:
- form.add_field(type='fixed', label=note[1])
- self.open_new_form(form, on_cancel, on_validate,
- session=adhoc_session)
- else: # otherwise, just display an information
- # message
- notes = '\n'.join([note[1] for note in iq['command']['notes']])
- self.information("Adhoc command %s: %s" % (status, notes), "Info")
+ def on_next_adhoc_step(self, iq, adhoc_session):
+ status = iq['command']['status']
+ xform = iq.xml.find('{http://jabber.org/protocol/commands}command/{jabber:x:data}x')
+ if xform is not None:
+ form = self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0004'].buildForm(xform)
+ else:
+ form = None
-def on_adhoc_error(self, iq, adhoc_session):
- self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0050'].terminate_command(adhoc_session)
- error_message = self.get_error_message(iq)
- self.information("An error occured while executing the command: %s" % (error_message),
- 'Error')
+ if status == 'error':
+ return self.information("An error occured while executing the command")
-def cancel_adhoc_command(self, form, session):
- self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0050'].cancel_command(session)
- self.close_tab()
+ if status == 'executing':
+ if not form:
+ self.information("Adhoc command step does not contain a data-form. Aborting the execution.", "Error")
+ return self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0050'].cancel_command(adhoc_session)
+ on_validate = self.validate_adhoc_step
+ on_cancel = self.cancel_adhoc_command
+ if status == 'completed':
+ on_validate = lambda form, session: self.close_tab()
+ on_cancel = lambda form, session: self.close_tab()
-def validate_adhoc_step(self, form, session):
- session['payload'] = form
- self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0050'].continue_command(session)
- self.close_tab()
+ # If a form is available, use it, and add the Notes from the
+ # response to it, if any
+ if form:
+ for note in iq['command']['notes']:
+ form.add_field(type='fixed', label=note[1])
+ self.open_new_form(form, on_cancel, on_validate,
+ session=adhoc_session)
+ else: # otherwise, just display an information
+ # message
+ notes = '\n'.join([note[1] for note in iq['command']['notes']])
+ self.information("Adhoc command %s: %s" % (status, notes), "Info")
-def terminate_adhoc_command(self, form, session):
- self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0050'].terminate_command(session)
- self.close_tab()
+ def on_adhoc_error(self, iq, adhoc_session):
+ self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0050'].terminate_command(adhoc_session)
+ error_message = self.get_error_message(iq)
+ self.information("An error occured while executing the command: %s" % (error_message),
+ 'Error')
+ def cancel_adhoc_command(self, form, session):
+ self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0050'].cancel_command(session)
+ self.close_tab()
+ def validate_adhoc_step(self, form, session):
+ session['payload'] = form
+ self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0050'].continue_command(session)
+ self.close_tab()
+ def terminate_adhoc_command(self, form, session):
+ self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0050'].terminate_command(session)
+ self.close_tab()