diff --git a/plugins/otr.py b/plugins/otr.py index bf7185a4..1d49b7ea 100644 --- a/plugins/otr.py +++ b/plugins/otr.py @@ -165,7 +165,6 @@ class PoezioAccount(Account): log.error('Error in load_privkey', exc_info=True) def save_privkey(self): - log.error('coucou') try: with open(self.key_dir + '.key3', 'xb') as keyfile: keyfile.write(self.getPrivkey().serializePrivateKey()) @@ -215,11 +214,20 @@ class Plugin(BasePlugin): PrivateTab.add_information_element('otr', self.display_encryption_status) self.account = PoezioAccount(self.core.xmpp.boundjid.bare, OTR_DIR) self.contexts = {} + usage = '[start|refresh|end|fpr|ourfpr]' + shortdesc = 'Manage an OTR conversation' + desc = ('Manage an OTR conversation. Use “/otr start” to start a converation,' + ' “/otr end” to end it, “/otr fpr” to show the fingerprint of your ' + 'contact, and “/otr ourfpr” to show your fingerprint.') self.api.add_tab_command(ConversationTab, 'otr', self.command_otr, - help='coucou', + help=desc, + usage=usage, + short=shortdesc, completion=self.completion_otr) self.api.add_tab_command(PrivateTab, 'otr', self.command_otr, - help='coucou', + help=desc, + usage=usage, + short=shortdesc, completion=self.completion_otr) def cleanup(self):