544 lines
17 KiB
544 lines
17 KiB
Define the PluginConfig and Plugin classes, plus the SafetyMetaclass.
These are used in the plugin system added in poezio 0.7.5
(see plugin_manager.py)
from typing import Any, Dict, Set
from asyncio import iscoroutinefunction
from functools import partial
from configparser import RawConfigParser
from poezio.timed_events import TimedEvent, DelayedEvent
from poezio import config
import inspect
import traceback
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class PluginConfig(config.Config):
Plugin configuration object.
They are accessible inside the plugin with self.config
and behave like the core Config object.
def __init__(self, filename, module_name, default=None):
config.Config.__init__(self, filename, default=default)
self.module_name = module_name
def get(self, option, default=None, section=None):
if not section:
section = self.module_name
return config.Config.get(self, option, default, section)
def set(self, option, default, section=None):
if not section:
section = self.module_name
return config.Config.set_and_save(self, option, default, section)
def remove(self, option, section=None):
if not section:
section = self.module_name
return config.Config.remove_and_save(self, option, section)
def read(self):
"""Read the config file"""
RawConfigParser.read(self, str(self.file_name))
if not self.has_section(self.module_name):
def options(self, section=None):
Return the options of the section
If no section is given, it defaults to the plugin name.
if not section:
section = self.module_name
if not self.has_section(section):
return config.Config.options(self, section)
def write(self):
"""Write the config to the disk"""
with self.file_name.open('w') as fp:
RawConfigParser.write(self, fp)
return True
except IOError:
return False
class SafetyMetaclass(type):
# A hack
core = None
def safe_func(f):
def helper(*args, **kwargs):
passthrough = kwargs.pop('passthrough', False)
return f(*args, **kwargs)
if passthrough:
if inspect.stack()[1][1] == inspect.getfile(f):
elif SafetyMetaclass.core:
log.error('Error in a plugin', exc_info=True)
return None
async def async_helper(*args, **kwargs):
passthrough = kwargs.pop('passthrough', False)
return await f(*args, **kwargs)
if passthrough:
if inspect.stack()[1][1] == inspect.getfile(f):
elif SafetyMetaclass.core:
log.error('Error in a plugin', exc_info=True)
return None
if iscoroutinefunction(f):
return async_helper
return helper
def __new__(meta, name, bases, class_dict):
for k, v in class_dict.items():
if inspect.isfunction(v):
if k != '__init__' and k != 'init':
class_dict[k] = SafetyMetaclass.safe_func(v)
return type.__new__(meta, name, bases, class_dict)
class PluginWrap:
A wrapper to implicitly pass the module name to PluginAPI
def __init__(self, api, module):
self.api = api
self.module = module
def __getattribute__(self, name):
api = object.__getattribute__(self, 'api')
module = object.__getattribute__(self, 'module')
return partial(getattr(api, name), module)
class PluginAPI:
The public API exposed to the plugins.
Its goal is to limit the use of the raw Core object
as much as possible.
def __init__(self, core, plugin_manager):
self.core = core
self.plugin_manager = plugin_manager
def __getitem__(self, value):
return PluginWrap(self, value)
def send_message(self, _, *args, **kwargs):
Send a message to the current tab.
:param str msg: The message to send.
return self.core.send_message(*args, **kwargs)
def get_conversation_messages(self, _, *args, **kwargs):
Get all the Messages of the current Tab.
:returns: The list of :py:class:`text_buffer.Message` objects.
:returns: None if the Tab does not inherit from ChatTab.
:rtype: :py:class:`list`
return self.core.get_conversation_messages()
def add_timed_event(self, _, *args, **kwargs):
Schedule a timed event.
:param timed_events.TimedEvent event: The timed event to schedule.
return self.core.add_timed_event(*args, **kwargs)
def remove_timed_event(self, _, *args, **kwargs):
Unschedule a timed event.
:param timed_events.TimedEvent event: The event to unschedule.
return self.core.remove_timed_event(*args, **kwargs)
def create_timed_event(self, _, *args, **kwargs):
Create a timed event, but do not schedule it;
:py:func:`~PluginAPI.add_timed_event` must be used for that.
:param datetime.datetime date: The time at which the handler must be executed
:param function callback: The handler that will be executed
:param args: Optional arguments passed to the handler.
:return: The created event.
:rtype: :py:class:`timed_events.TimedEvent`
return TimedEvent(*args, **kwargs)
def create_delayed_event(self, _, *args, **kwargs):
Create a delayed event, but do not schedule it;
:py:func:`~PluginAPI.add_timed_event` must be used for that.
A delayed event is a timed event with a delay from the time
this function is called (instead of a datetime).
:param int delay: The number of seconds to schedule the execution
:param function callback: The handler that will be executed
:param args: Optional arguments passed to the handler.
:return: The created event.
:rtype: :py:class:`timed_events.DelayedEvent`
return DelayedEvent(*args, **kwargs)
def information(self, _, *args, **kwargs):
Display a new message in the information buffer.
:param str msg: The message to display.
:param str typ: The message type (e.g. Info, Error…)
return self.core.information(*args, **kwargs)
def current_tab(self, _):
Get the current Tab.
:returns: The current tab.
return self.core.tabs.current_tab
def get_status(self, _):
Get the current user global status.
:returns Status: The current status.
return self.core.get_status()
def run_command(self, _, *args, **kwargs):
Run a command from the current tab.
(a command starts with a /, if not, it’s a message)
:param str line: The command to run.
return self.core.tabs.current_tab.execute_command(*args, **kwargs)
def all_tabs(self, _):
Return a list of all opened tabs
:returns list: The list of tabs.
return self.core.tabs
def add_command(self, module, *args, **kwargs):
Add a global command.
:param str name: The name of the command (/name)
:param function handler: The function called when the command is run.
:param str help: The complete help for that command.
:param str short: A short description of the command.
:param function completion: The completion function for that command
:param str usage: A string showing the required and optional args
of the command. Optional args should be surrounded by []
and mandatory args should be surrounded by <>.
Example string: "<server> [port]"
:raises Exception: If the command already exists.
return self.plugin_manager.add_command(module, *args, **kwargs)
def del_command(self, module, *args, **kwargs):
Remove a global command.
:param str name: The name of the command to remove.
That command _must_ have been added by the same plugin
return self.plugin_manager.del_command(module, *args, **kwargs)
def add_key(self, module, *args, **kwargs):
Associate a global binding to a handler.
:param str key: The curses representation of the binding.
:param function handler: The function called when the binding is pressed.
:raise Exception: If the binding is already present.
return self.plugin_manager.add_key(module, *args, **kwargs)
def del_key(self, module, *args, **kwargs):
Remove a global binding.
:param str key: The binding to remove.
return self.plugin_manager.del_key(module, *args, **kwargs)
def add_tab_key(self, module, *args, **kwargs):
Associate a binding to a handler, but only for a certain tab type.
:param Tab tab_type: The type of tab to target.
:param str key: The binding to add.
:param function handler: The function called when the binding is pressed
return self.plugin_manager.add_tab_key(module, *args, **kwargs)
def del_tab_key(self, module, *args, **kwargs):
Remove a binding added with add_tab_key
:param tabs.Tab tab_type: The type of tab to target.
:param str key: The binding to remove.
return self.plugin_manager.del_tab_key(module, *args, **kwargs)
def add_tab_command(self, module, *args, **kwargs):
Add a command to only one type of tab.
:param tabs.Tab tab_type: The type of Tab to target.
:param str name: The name of the command (/name)
:param function handler: The function called when the command is run.
:param str help: The complete help for that command.
:param str short: A short description of the command.
:param function completion: The completion function for that command
:param str usage: A string showing the required and optional args
of the command. Optional args should be surrounded by []
and mandatory args should be surrounded by <>.
Example string: "<server> [port]"
:raise Exception: If the command already exists.
return self.plugin_manager.add_tab_command(module, *args, **kwargs)
def del_tab_command(self, module, *args, **kwargs):
Remove a tab-specific command.
:param tabs.Tab tab_type: The type of tab to target.
:param str name: The name of the command to remove.
That command _must_ have been added by the same plugin
return self.plugin_manager.del_tab_command(module, *args, **kwargs)
def add_event_handler(self, module, *args, **kwargs):
Add an event handler for a poezio event.
:param str event_name: The event name.
:param function handler: The handler function.
:param int position: The position of that handler in the handler list.
This is useful for plugins like OTR, which must be the last
function called on the text.
Defaults to 0.
A complete list of those events can be found at
return self.plugin_manager.add_event_handler(module, *args, **kwargs)
def del_event_handler(self, module, *args, **kwargs):
Remove a handler for a poezio event.
:param str event_name: The name of the targeted event.
:param function handler: The function to remove from the handlers.
return self.plugin_manager.del_event_handler(module, *args, **kwargs)
def add_slix_event_handler(self, module, event_name, handler):
Add an event handler for a slixmpp event.
:param str event_name: The event name.
:param function handler: The handler function.
A list of the slixmpp events can be found here
self.core.xmpp.add_event_handler(event_name, handler)
def del_slix_event_handler(self, module, event_name, handler):
Remove a handler for a slixmpp event
:param str event_name: The name of the targeted event.
:param function handler: The function to remove from the handlers.
self.core.xmpp.del_event_handler(event_name, handler)
class BasePlugin(object, metaclass=SafetyMetaclass):
Class that all plugins derive from.
# Internal use only
_unloading = False
default_config = None
dependencies: Set[str] = set()
# This dict will get populated when the plugin is initialized
refs: Dict[str, Any] = {}
def __init__(self, name, plugin_api, core, plugins_conf_dir):
self.__name = name
self.core = core
# More hack; luckily we'll never have more than one core object
SafetyMetaclass.core = core
conf = plugins_conf_dir / (self.__name + '.cfg')
self.config = PluginConfig(
conf, self.__name, default=self.default_config)
except Exception:
log.debug('Error while creating the plugin config', exc_info=True)
self.config = PluginConfig(conf, self.__name)
self._api = plugin_api[self.name]
def name(self):
Get the name (module name) of the plugin.
return self.__name
def api(self):
return self._api
def init(self):
Method called at the creation of the plugin.
Do not overwrite __init__ and use this instead.
def cleanup(self):
Called when the plugin is unloaded.
Overwrite this if you want to erase or save things before the plugin is disabled.
def unload(self):
def add_command(self,
Add a global command.
You cannot overwrite the existing commands.
return self.api.add_command(
def del_command(self, name):
Remove a global command.
This only works if the command was added by the plugin
return self.api.del_command(name)
def add_key(self, key, handler):
Add a global keybind
return self.api.add_key(key, handler)
def del_key(self, key):
Remove a global keybind
return self.api.del_key(key)
def add_tab_key(self, tab_type, key, handler):
Add a keybind only for a type of tab.
return self.api.add_tab_key(tab_type, key, handler)
def del_tab_key(self, tab_type, key):
Remove a keybind added through add_tab_key.
return self.api.del_tab_key(tab_type, key)
def add_tab_command(self,
Add a command only for a type of tab.
return self.api.add_tab_command(
def del_tab_command(self, tab_type, name):
Delete a command added through add_tab_command.
return self.api.del_tab_command(tab_type, name)
def add_event_handler(self, event_name, handler, *args, **kwargs):
Add an event handler to the event event_name.
An optional position in the event handler list can be provided.
return self.api.add_event_handler(event_name, handler, *args, **kwargs)
def del_event_handler(self, event_name, handler):
Remove 'handler' from the event list for 'event_name'.
return self.api.del_event_handler(event_name, handler)