diff --git a/sleekxmpp/plugins/gmail_notify.py b/sleekxmpp/plugins/gmail_notify.py
index b709ef69..acfc38b0 100644
--- a/sleekxmpp/plugins/gmail_notify.py
+++ b/sleekxmpp/plugins/gmail_notify.py
@@ -1,57 +1,146 @@
- SleekXMPP: The Sleek XMPP Library
- Copyright (C) 2007 Nathanael C. Fritz
- This file is part of SleekXMPP.
+ SleekXMPP: The Sleek XMPP Library
+ Copyright (C) 2010 Nathanael C. Fritz, Lance J.T. Stout
+ This file is part of SleekXMPP.
- SleekXMPP is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- SleekXMPP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with SleekXMPP; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ See the file license.txt for copying permission.
-from __future__ import with_statement
-from . import base
import logging
-from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
-import traceback
-import time
+from . import base
+from .. xmlstream.handler.callback import Callback
+from .. xmlstream.matcher.xpath import MatchXPath
+from .. xmlstream.stanzabase import ElementBase, ET, JID
+from .. stanza.iq import Iq
+class GmailQuery(ElementBase):
+ namespace = 'google:mail:notify'
+ name = 'query'
+ plugin_attrib = 'gmail'
+ interfaces = set(('newer-than-time', 'newer-than-tid', 'q', 'search'))
+ def getSearch(self):
+ return self['q']
+ def setSearch(self, search):
+ self['q'] = search
+ def delSearch(self):
+ del self['q']
+class MailBox(ElementBase):
+ namespace = 'google:mail:notify'
+ name = 'mailbox'
+ plugin_attrib = 'mailbox'
+ interfaces = set(('result-time', 'total-matched', 'total-estimate',
+ 'url', 'threads', 'matched', 'estimate'))
+ def getThreads(self):
+ threads = []
+ for threadXML in self.xml.findall('{%s}%s' % (MailThread.namespace,
+ MailThread.name)):
+ threads.append(MailThread(xml=threadXML, parent=None))
+ return threads
+ def getMatched(self):
+ return self['total-matched']
+ def getEstimate(self):
+ return self['total-estimate'] == '1'
+class MailThread(ElementBase):
+ namespace = 'google:mail:notify'
+ name = 'mail-thread-info'
+ plugin_attrib = 'thread'
+ interfaces = set(('tid', 'participation', 'messages', 'date',
+ 'senders', 'url', 'labels', 'subject', 'snippet'))
+ sub_interfaces = set(('labels', 'subject', 'snippet'))
+ def getSenders(self):
+ senders = []
+ sendersXML = self.xml.find('{%s}senders' % self.namespace)
+ if sendersXML is not None:
+ for senderXML in sendersXML.findall('{%s}sender' % self.namespace):
+ senders.append(MailSender(xml=senderXML, parent=None))
+ return senders
+class MailSender(ElementBase):
+ namespace = 'google:mail:notify'
+ name = 'sender'
+ plugin_attrib = 'sender'
+ interfaces = set(('address', 'name', 'originator', 'unread'))
+ def getOriginator(self):
+ return self.xml.attrib.get('originator', '0') == '1'
+ def getUnread(self):
+ return self.xml.attrib.get('unread', '0') == '1'
+class NewMail(ElementBase):
+ namespace = 'google:mail:notify'
+ name = 'new-mail'
+ plugin_attrib = 'new-mail'
class gmail_notify(base.base_plugin):
- def plugin_init(self):
- self.description = 'Google Talk Gmail Notification'
- self.xmpp.add_event_handler('sent_presence', self.handler_gmailcheck, threaded=True)
- self.emails = []
- def handler_gmailcheck(self, payload):
- #TODO XEP 30 should cache results and have getFeature
- result = self.xmpp['xep_0030'].getInfo(self.xmpp.server)
- features = []
- for feature in result.findall('{http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info}query/{http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info}feature'):
- features.append(feature.get('var'))
- if 'google:mail:notify' in features:
- logging.debug("Server supports Gmail Notify")
- self.xmpp.add_handler("" % self.xmpp.default_ns, self.handler_notify)
- self.getEmail()
- def handler_notify(self, xml):
- logging.info("New Gmail recieved!")
- self.xmpp.event('gmail_notify')
- def getEmail(self):
- iq = self.xmpp.makeIqGet()
- iq.attrib['from'] = self.xmpp.fulljid
- iq.attrib['to'] = self.xmpp.jid
- self.xmpp.makeIqQuery(iq, 'google:mail:notify')
- emails = iq.send()
- mailbox = emails.find('{google:mail:notify}mailbox')
- total = int(mailbox.get('total-matched', 0))
- logging.info("%s New Gmail Messages" % total)
+ """
+ Google Talk: Gmail Notifications
+ """
+ def plugin_init(self):
+ self.description = 'Google Talk: Gmail Notifications'
+ self.xmpp.registerHandler(
+ Callback('Gmail Result',
+ MatchXPath('{%s}iq/{%s}%s' % (self.xmpp.default_ns,
+ MailBox.namespace,
+ MailBox.name)),
+ self.handle_gmail))
+ self.xmpp.registerHandler(
+ Callback('Gmail New Mail',
+ MatchXPath('{%s}iq/{%s}%s' % (self.xmpp.default_ns,
+ NewMail.namespace,
+ NewMail.name)),
+ self.handle_new_mail))
+ self.xmpp.stanzaPlugin(Iq, GmailQuery)
+ self.xmpp.stanzaPlugin(Iq, MailBox)
+ self.xmpp.stanzaPlugin(Iq, NewMail)
+ self.last_result_time = None
+ def handle_gmail(self, iq):
+ mailbox = iq['mailbox']
+ approx = ' approximately' if mailbox['estimated'] else ''
+ logging.info('Gmail: Received%s %s emails' % (approx, mailbox['total-matched']))
+ self.last_result_time = mailbox['result-time']
+ self.xmpp.event('gmail_messages', iq)
+ def handle_new_mail(self, iq):
+ logging.info("Gmail: New emails received!")
+ self.xmpp.event('gmail_notify')
+ self.checkEmail()
+ def getEmail(self, query=None):
+ return self.search(query)
+ def checkEmail(self):
+ return self.search(newer=self.last_result_time)
+ def search(self, query=None, newer=None):
+ if query is None:
+ logging.info("Gmail: Checking for new emails")
+ else:
+ logging.info('Gmail: Searching for emails matching: "%s"' % query)
+ iq = self.xmpp.Iq()
+ iq['type'] = 'get'
+ iq['to'] = self.xmpp.jid
+ iq['gmail']['q'] = query
+ iq['gmail']['newer-than-time'] = newer
+ return iq.send()
diff --git a/tests/test_gmail.py b/tests/test_gmail.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..199b76ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_gmail.py
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+from sleektest import *
+import sleekxmpp.plugins.gmail_notify as gmail
+class TestGmail(SleekTest):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.stanzaPlugin(Iq, gmail.GmailQuery)
+ self.stanzaPlugin(Iq, gmail.MailBox)
+ self.stanzaPlugin(Iq, gmail.NewMail)
+ def testCreateQuery(self):
+ """Testing querying Gmail for emails."""
+ iq = self.Iq()
+ iq['type'] = 'get'
+ iq['gmail']['search'] = 'is:starred'
+ iq['gmail']['newer-than-time'] = '1140638252542'
+ iq['gmail']['newer-than-tid'] = '11134623426430234'
+ self.checkIq(iq, """
+ """)
+ def testMailBox(self):
+ """Testing reading from Gmail mailbox result"""
+ # Use the example from Google's documentation at
+ # http://code.google.com/apis/talk/jep_extensions/gmail.html#notifications
+ xml = ET.fromstring("""
+ act1scene3
+ Put thy rapier up.
+ Ay, ay, a scratch, a scratch; marry, 'tis enough.
+ """)
+ iq = self.Iq(xml=xml)
+ mailbox = iq['mailbox']
+ self.failUnless(mailbox['result-time'] == '1118012394209', "result-time doesn't match")
+ self.failUnless(mailbox['url'] == 'http://mail.google.com/mail', "url doesn't match")
+ self.failUnless(mailbox['matched'] == '95', "total-matched incorrect")
+ self.failUnless(mailbox['estimate'] == False, "total-estimate incorrect")
+ self.failUnless(len(mailbox['threads']) == 1, "could not extract message threads")
+ thread = mailbox['threads'][0]
+ self.failUnless(thread['tid'] == '1172320964060972012', "thread tid doesn't match")
+ self.failUnless(thread['participation'] == '1', "thread participation incorrect")
+ self.failUnless(thread['messages'] == '28', "thread message count incorrect")
+ self.failUnless(thread['date'] == '1118012394209', "thread date doesn't match")
+ self.failUnless(thread['url'] == 'http://mail.google.com/mail?view=cv', "thread url doesn't match")
+ self.failUnless(thread['labels'] == 'act1scene3', "thread labels incorrect")
+ self.failUnless(thread['subject'] == 'Put thy rapier up.', "thread subject doesn't match")
+ self.failUnless(thread['snippet'] == "Ay, ay, a scratch, a scratch; marry, 'tis enough.", "snippet doesn't match")
+ self.failUnless(len(thread['senders']) == 3, "could not extract senders")
+ sender1 = thread['senders'][0]
+ self.failUnless(sender1['name'] == 'Me', "sender name doesn't match")
+ self.failUnless(sender1['address'] == 'romeo@gmail.com', "sender address doesn't match")
+ self.failUnless(sender1['originator'] == True, "sender originator incorrect")
+ self.failUnless(sender1['unread'] == False, "sender unread incorrectly True")
+ sender2 = thread['senders'][2]
+ self.failUnless(sender2['unread'] == True, "sender unread incorrectly False")
+suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestGmail)