Paul Molodowitch
added setdefaultencoding method so reload(sys) not needed
reload(sys) could cause problem in user code - ie, sys.stdout, excepthook, and displayhook would be reset, etc
2012-10-24 13:06:36 -07:00
Lance Stout
Update other examples to use threaded mode for handlers that call disconnect()
2012-05-06 20:19:02 -07:00
Lance Stout
Merge pull request #132 from rhcarvalho/master
Fix a typo in several files.
2012-01-02 13:10:46 -08:00
Rodolfo Carvalho
Fix a typo in several files.
This fixes several instances of "intial" for "initial".
2012-01-02 18:59:39 -02:00
Lance Stout
Merge pull request #131 from rhcarvalho/master
Small changes to the examples
2011-12-31 17:27:57 -08:00
Rodolfo Carvalho
Remove unused imports in the examples.
2011-12-31 19:50:53 -02:00
Lance Stout
Merge pull request #130 from rhcarvalho/master
Some small fixes
2011-12-30 20:14:54 -08:00
Rodolfo Carvalho
Update examples to use the block'' argument instead of the deprecated threaded''.
2011-12-30 17:25:03 -02:00
Rodolfo Carvalho
Replace pydns with dnspython in the comments of the examples.
2011-12-30 00:08:05 -02:00
Lance Stout
Tidy up logging calls.
2011-11-19 12:07:57 -08:00
Vijay Pandurangan
This change stops sleekxmpp from spending huge amounts of time unnecessarily computing logging data that may never be used. This is a HUGE performance improvement; in some of my test runs, unnecessary string creation was accounting for > 60% of all CPU time.
Note that using % in a string will _always_ perform the sting substitutions, because the strings are constructed before the function is called. So log.debug('%s' % expensiveoperation()) will take about the same CPU time whether or not the logging level is DEBUG or INFO. if you use , no substitutions are performed unless the string is actually logged
2011-11-20 03:39:05 +08:00
Lance Stout
Update examples to work with Python3 (raw_input vs input)
2011-08-18 01:06:59 -07:00
Lance Stout
Tidy up the examples.
2011-03-23 22:59:21 -04:00
Lance Stout
Updated XEP-0199 plugin.
Now has docs and uses the new plugin format.
2011-02-11 00:30:45 -05:00
Nathan Fritz
added option to return false on ping error, added ping example
2011-02-10 13:45:35 -08:00