- ``supports``, ``has_identity``, ``get_info``, ``get_items`` are now coroutines
- ``set_info````set_items``, ``del_items``, ``add_item``, ``add_identity``,
``del_identity``, ``set_identities``, ``del_identities``, ``add_feature``,
``del_feature``, ``set_feature``, ``set_features``, ``del_features``
now return a Future
also fix has_identity and supports which have been broken in forever
- monkey-patch our own monkey-patched idle_call to run events immediatly
rather than adding them to the event queue, and add a fake transport
with a fake socket.
- remove the test file related to xep_0059 as it relies on blocking
behavior, and comment out one xep_0030 test uses xep_0059
- remove many instances of threading and sleep()s because they do
nothing except waste time and introduce race conditions.
- keep exactly two sleep() in IoT xeps because they rely on timeouts
New plugin configuration options:
use_cache - Enable caching disco info results. Defaults to True
wrap_results - Always return disco results in an Iq stanza. Defaults
to False
Node handler changes:
Handlers now take four arguments: jid, node, ifrom, data
Most older style handlers will still work, depending on if they
raise a TypeError for incorrect number of arguments. Handlers that
used *args may not work.
New get_info options:
cached - Passing cached=True to get_info() will attempt to load
results from the cache. If nothing is found, a query
will be sent as normal. If set to False, the cache
will be skipped, even if it contains results.
New method:
supports() - Given a JID/node pair and a feature, return True
if the feature is supported, False if not, and
None if there was a timeout. By default, the search
will use the cache.
The error bubbles through the event processing loop, breaking it and
hanging the application.
Instead, there is now a .exception(e) method on XMLStream which may
be overridden or reassigned that will receive all unhandled exceptions
(read: not XMPPError) from event and stream handlers.
Now with dynamic node handling goodness.
Some things are not quite working yet, in particular:
And still need more unit tests to round things out.