#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    Slixmpp: The Slick XMPP Library
    Copyright (C) 2015  Emmanuel Gil Peyrot
    This file is part of Slixmpp.

    See the file LICENSE for copying permission.

import asyncio
import logging
from getpass import getpass
from argparse import ArgumentParser

import slixmpp

class S5BReceiver(slixmpp.ClientXMPP):

    A basic example of creating and using a SOCKS5 bytestream.

    def __init__(self, jid, password, filename):
        slixmpp.ClientXMPP.__init__(self, jid, password)

        self.file = open(filename, 'wb')

        self.add_event_handler("socks5_connected", self.stream_opened)
        self.add_event_handler("socks5_data", self.stream_data)
        self.add_event_handler("socks5_closed", self.stream_closed)

    def stream_opened(self, sid):
        logging.info('Stream opened. %s', sid)

    def stream_data(self, data):

    def stream_closed(self, exception):
        logging.info('Stream closed. %s', exception)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Setup the command line arguments.
    parser = ArgumentParser()

    # Output verbosity options.
    parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", help="set logging to ERROR",
                        action="store_const", dest="loglevel",
                        const=logging.ERROR, default=logging.INFO)
    parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", help="set logging to DEBUG",
                        action="store_const", dest="loglevel",
                        const=logging.DEBUG, default=logging.INFO)

    # JID and password options.
    parser.add_argument("-j", "--jid", dest="jid",
                        help="JID to use")
    parser.add_argument("-p", "--password", dest="password",
                        help="password to use")
    parser.add_argument("-o", "--out", dest="filename",
                        help="file to save to")

    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Setup logging.
                        format='%(levelname)-8s %(message)s')

    if args.jid is None:
        args.jid = input("Username: ")
    if args.password is None:
        args.password = getpass("Password: ")
    if args.filename is None:
        args.filename = input("File path: ")

    # Setup the S5BReceiver and register plugins. Note that while plugins may
    # have interdependencies, the order in which you register them does
    # not matter.
    xmpp = S5BReceiver(args.jid, args.password, args.filename)
    xmpp.register_plugin('xep_0030') # Service Discovery
    xmpp.register_plugin('xep_0065', {
        'auto_accept': True
    }) # SOCKS5 Bytestreams

    # Connect to the XMPP server and start processing XMPP stanzas.