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// Copyright (c) 2017 Emmanuel Gil Peyrot <linkmauve@linkmauve.fr>
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use minidom::{Element, IntoAttributeValue};
use jid::Jid;
use error::Error;
use ns;
use stanza_error::StanzaError;
use chatstates::ChatState;
use receipts::Receipt;
use delay::Delay;
use attention::Attention;
use message_correct::Replace;
use eme::ExplicitMessageEncryption;
use stanza_id::StanzaId;
use mam::Result_ as MamResult;
/// Lists every known payload of a `<message/>`.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum MessagePayload {
impl TryFrom<Element> for MessagePayload {
type Error = Error;
fn try_from(elem: Element) -> Result<MessagePayload, Error> {
Ok(match (elem.name().as_ref(), elem.ns().unwrap().as_ref()) {
("error", ns::JABBER_CLIENT) => MessagePayload::StanzaError(StanzaError::try_from(elem)?),
// XEP-0085
("active", ns::CHATSTATES)
| ("inactive", ns::CHATSTATES)
| ("composing", ns::CHATSTATES)
| ("paused", ns::CHATSTATES)
| ("gone", ns::CHATSTATES) => MessagePayload::ChatState(ChatState::try_from(elem)?),
// XEP-0184
("request", ns::RECEIPTS)
| ("received", ns::RECEIPTS) => MessagePayload::Receipt(Receipt::try_from(elem)?),
// XEP-0203
("delay", ns::DELAY) => MessagePayload::Delay(Delay::try_from(elem)?),
// XEP-0224
("attention", ns::ATTENTION) => MessagePayload::Attention(Attention::try_from(elem)?),
// XEP-0308
("replace", ns::MESSAGE_CORRECT) => MessagePayload::MessageCorrect(Replace::try_from(elem)?),
// XEP-0313
("result", ns::MAM) => MessagePayload::MamResult(MamResult::try_from(elem)?),
// XEP-0359
("stanza-id", ns::SID)
| ("origin-id", ns::SID) => MessagePayload::StanzaId(StanzaId::try_from(elem)?),
// XEP-0380
("encryption", ns::EME) => MessagePayload::ExplicitMessageEncryption(ExplicitMessageEncryption::try_from(elem)?),
_ => MessagePayload::Unknown(elem),
impl Into<Element> for MessagePayload {
fn into(self) -> Element {
match self {
MessagePayload::StanzaError(stanza_error) => stanza_error.into(),
MessagePayload::Attention(attention) => attention.into(),
MessagePayload::ChatState(chatstate) => chatstate.into(),
MessagePayload::Receipt(receipt) => receipt.into(),
MessagePayload::Delay(delay) => delay.into(),
MessagePayload::MessageCorrect(replace) => replace.into(),
MessagePayload::ExplicitMessageEncryption(eme) => eme.into(),
MessagePayload::StanzaId(stanza_id) => stanza_id.into(),
MessagePayload::MamResult(result) => result.into(),
MessagePayload::Unknown(elem) => elem,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum MessageType {
impl Default for MessageType {
fn default() -> MessageType {
impl FromStr for MessageType {
type Err = Error;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<MessageType, Error> {
Ok(match s {
"chat" => MessageType::Chat,
"error" => MessageType::Error,
"groupchat" => MessageType::Groupchat,
"headline" => MessageType::Headline,
"normal" => MessageType::Normal,
_ => return Err(Error::ParseError("Invalid 'type' attribute on message element.")),
impl IntoAttributeValue for MessageType {
fn into_attribute_value(self) -> Option<String> {
Some(match self {
MessageType::Chat => "chat",
MessageType::Error => "error",
MessageType::Groupchat => "groupchat",
MessageType::Headline => "headline",
MessageType::Normal => "normal",
type Lang = String;
type Body = String;
type Subject = String;
type Thread = String;
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Message {
pub from: Option<Jid>,
pub to: Option<Jid>,
pub id: Option<String>,
pub type_: MessageType,
pub bodies: BTreeMap<Lang, Body>,
pub subjects: BTreeMap<Lang, Subject>,
pub thread: Option<Thread>,
pub payloads: Vec<Element>,
impl TryFrom<Element> for Message {
type Error = Error;
fn try_from(root: Element) -> Result<Message, Error> {
if !root.is("message", ns::JABBER_CLIENT) {
return Err(Error::ParseError("This is not a message element."));
let from = get_attr!(root, "from", optional);
let to = get_attr!(root, "to", optional);
let id = get_attr!(root, "id", optional);
let type_ = get_attr!(root, "type", default);
let mut bodies = BTreeMap::new();
let mut subjects = BTreeMap::new();
let mut thread = None;
let mut payloads = vec!();
for elem in root.children() {
if elem.is("body", ns::JABBER_CLIENT) {
for _ in elem.children() {
return Err(Error::ParseError("Unknown child in body element."));
let lang = get_attr!(root, "xml:lang", default);
if bodies.insert(lang, elem.text()).is_some() {
return Err(Error::ParseError("Body element present twice for the same xml:lang."));
} else if elem.is("subject", ns::JABBER_CLIENT) {
for _ in elem.children() {
return Err(Error::ParseError("Unknown child in subject element."));
let lang = get_attr!(root, "xml:lang", default);
if subjects.insert(lang, elem.text()).is_some() {
return Err(Error::ParseError("Subject element present twice for the same xml:lang."));
} else if elem.is("thread", ns::JABBER_CLIENT) {
if thread.is_some() {
return Err(Error::ParseError("Thread element present twice."));
for _ in elem.children() {
return Err(Error::ParseError("Unknown child in thread element."));
thread = Some(elem.text());
} else {
Ok(Message {
from: from,
to: to,
id: id,
type_: type_,
bodies: bodies,
subjects: subjects,
thread: thread,
payloads: payloads,
impl Into<Element> for Message {
fn into(self) -> Element {
.attr("from", self.from.and_then(|value| Some(String::from(value))))
.attr("to", self.to.and_then(|value| Some(String::from(value))))
.attr("id", self.id)
.attr("type", self.type_)
.map(|(lang, subject)| {
.attr("xml:lang", match lang.as_ref() {
"" => None,
lang => Some(lang),
.build() })
.map(|(lang, body)| {
.attr("xml:lang", match lang.as_ref() {
"" => None,
lang => Some(lang),
.build() })
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_simple() {
let elem: Element = "<message xmlns='jabber:client'/>".parse().unwrap();
let message = Message::try_from(elem).unwrap();
assert_eq!(message.from, None);
assert_eq!(message.to, None);
assert_eq!(message.id, None);
assert_eq!(message.type_, MessageType::Normal);
fn test_serialise() {
let elem: Element = "<message xmlns='jabber:client' type='normal'/>".parse().unwrap();
let message = Message {
from: None,
to: None,
id: None,
type_: MessageType::Normal,
bodies: BTreeMap::new(),
subjects: BTreeMap::new(),
thread: None,
payloads: vec!(),
let elem2 = message.into();
assert_eq!(elem, elem2);
fn test_body() {
let elem: Element = "<message xmlns='jabber:client' to='coucou@example.org' type='chat'><body>Hello world!</body></message>".parse().unwrap();
let elem1 = elem.clone();
let message = Message::try_from(elem).unwrap();
assert_eq!(message.bodies[""], "Hello world!");
let elem2 = message.into();
assert_eq!(elem1, elem2);
fn test_serialise_body() {
let elem: Element = "<message xmlns='jabber:client' to='coucou@example.org' type='chat'><body>Hello world!</body></message>".parse().unwrap();
let mut bodies = BTreeMap::new();
bodies.insert(String::from(""), String::from("Hello world!"));
let message = Message {
from: None,
to: Some(Jid::from_str("coucou@example.org").unwrap()),
id: None,
type_: MessageType::Chat,
bodies: bodies,
subjects: BTreeMap::new(),
thread: None,
payloads: vec!(),
let elem2 = message.into();
assert_eq!(elem, elem2);
fn test_subject() {
let elem: Element = "<message xmlns='jabber:client' to='coucou@example.org' type='chat'><subject>Hello world!</subject></message>".parse().unwrap();
let elem1 = elem.clone();
let message = Message::try_from(elem).unwrap();
assert_eq!(message.subjects[""], "Hello world!");
let elem2 = message.into();
assert_eq!(elem1, elem2);
fn test_attention() {
let elem: Element = "<message xmlns='jabber:client' to='coucou@example.org' type='chat'><attention xmlns='urn:xmpp:attention:0'/></message>".parse().unwrap();
let elem1 = elem.clone();
let message = Message::try_from(elem).unwrap();
let elem2 = message.into();
assert_eq!(elem1, elem2);