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// Copyright (c) 2017 Emmanuel Gil Peyrot <linkmauve@linkmauve.fr>
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::str::FromStr;
use minidom::{Element, IntoElements, IntoAttributeValue, ElementEmitter};
use error::Error;
use ns;
use media_element::MediaElement;
generate_attribute!(FieldType, "type", {
Boolean => "boolean",
Fixed => "fixed",
Hidden => "hidden",
JidMulti => "jid-multi",
JidSingle => "jid-single",
ListMulti => "list-multi",
ListSingle => "list-single",
TextMulti => "text-multi",
TextPrivate => "text-private",
TextSingle => "text-single",
}, Default = TextSingle);
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Option_ {
pub label: Option<String>,
pub value: String,
impl From<Option_> for Element {
fn from(option: Option_) -> Element {
.attr("label", option.label)
impl IntoElements for Option_ {
fn into_elements(self, emitter: &mut ElementEmitter) {
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Field {
pub var: String,
pub type_: FieldType,
pub label: Option<String>,
pub required: bool,
pub options: Vec<Option_>,
pub values: Vec<String>,
pub media: Vec<MediaElement>,
impl From<Field> for Element {
fn from(field: Field) -> Element {
.attr("var", field.var)
.attr("type", field.type_)
.attr("label", field.label)
.append(if field.required { Some(Element::builder("required").ns(ns::DATA_FORMS).build()) } else { None })
.append(field.values.iter().map(|value| {
impl IntoElements for Field {
fn into_elements(self, emitter: &mut ElementEmitter) {
generate_attribute!(DataFormType, "type", {
Cancel => "cancel",
Form => "form",
Result_ => "result",
Submit => "submit",
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct DataForm {
pub type_: DataFormType,
pub form_type: Option<String>,
pub title: Option<String>,
pub instructions: Option<String>,
pub fields: Vec<Field>,
impl TryFrom<Element> for DataForm {
type Error = Error;
fn try_from(elem: Element) -> Result<DataForm, Error> {
if !elem.is("x", ns::DATA_FORMS) {
return Err(Error::ParseError("This is not a data form element."));
let type_ = get_attr!(elem, "type", required);
let mut form = DataForm {
type_: type_,
form_type: None,
title: None,
instructions: None,
fields: vec!(),
for child in elem.children() {
if child.is("title", ns::DATA_FORMS) {
if form.title.is_some() {
return Err(Error::ParseError("More than one title in form element."));
for _ in child.children() {
return Err(Error::ParseError("Title element must not have any child."));
for _ in child.attrs() {
return Err(Error::ParseError("Title element must not have any attribute."));
form.title = Some(child.text());
} else if child.is("instructions", ns::DATA_FORMS) {
if form.instructions.is_some() {
return Err(Error::ParseError("More than one instructions in form element."));
for _ in child.children() {
return Err(Error::ParseError("instructions element must not have any child."));
for _ in child.attrs() {
return Err(Error::ParseError("instructions element must not have any attribute."));
form.instructions = Some(child.text());
} else if child.is("field", ns::DATA_FORMS) {
let var: String = get_attr!(child, "var", required);
let field_type = get_attr!(child, "type", default);
let label = get_attr!(child, "label", optional);
let is_form_type = var == "FORM_TYPE" && field_type == FieldType::Hidden;
let is_list = field_type == FieldType::ListSingle || field_type == FieldType::ListMulti;
let mut field = Field {
var: var,
type_: field_type,
label: label,
required: false,
options: vec!(),
values: vec!(),
media: vec!(),
for element in child.children() {
if element.is("value", ns::DATA_FORMS) {
for _ in element.children() {
return Err(Error::ParseError("Value element must not have any child."));
for _ in element.attrs() {
return Err(Error::ParseError("Value element must not have any attribute."));
} else if element.is("required", ns::DATA_FORMS) {
if field.required {
return Err(Error::ParseError("More than one required element."));
for _ in element.children() {
return Err(Error::ParseError("Required element must not have any child."));
for _ in element.attrs() {
return Err(Error::ParseError("Required element must not have any attribute."));
field.required = true;
} else if element.is("option", ns::DATA_FORMS) {
if !is_list {
return Err(Error::ParseError("Option element found in non-list field."));
let label = get_attr!(element, "label", optional);
let mut value = None;
for child2 in element.children() {
if child2.is("value", ns::DATA_FORMS) {
if value.is_some() {
return Err(Error::ParseError("More than one value element in option element"));
value = Some(child2.text());
} else {
return Err(Error::ParseError("Non-value element in option element"));
let value = value.ok_or(Error::ParseError("No value element in option element"))?;
field.options.push(Option_ {
label: label,
value: value,
} else if element.is("media", ns::MEDIA_ELEMENT) {
match MediaElement::try_from(element.clone()) {
Ok(media_element) => field.media.push(media_element),
Err(_) => (), // TODO: is it really nice to swallow this error?
} else {
return Err(Error::ParseError("Field child isn’t a value or media element."));
if is_form_type {
if form.form_type.is_some() {
return Err(Error::ParseError("More than one FORM_TYPE in a data form."));
if field.values.len() != 1 {
return Err(Error::ParseError("Wrong number of values in FORM_TYPE."));
form.form_type = Some(field.values[0].clone());
} else {
return Err(Error::ParseError("Unknown child in data form element."));
impl From<DataForm> for Element {
fn from(form: DataForm) -> Element {
.attr("type", form.type_)
impl IntoElements for DataForm {
fn into_elements(self, emitter: &mut ElementEmitter) {
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_simple() {
let elem: Element = "<x xmlns='jabber:x:data' type='result'/>".parse().unwrap();
let form = DataForm::try_from(elem).unwrap();
assert_eq!(form.type_, DataFormType::Result_);
fn test_invalid() {
let elem: Element = "<x xmlns='jabber:x:data'/>".parse().unwrap();
let error = DataForm::try_from(elem).unwrap_err();
let message = match error {
Error::ParseError(string) => string,
_ => panic!(),
assert_eq!(message, "Required attribute 'type' missing.");
let elem: Element = "<x xmlns='jabber:x:data' type='coucou'/>".parse().unwrap();
let error = DataForm::try_from(elem).unwrap_err();
let message = match error {
Error::ParseError(string) => string,
_ => panic!(),
assert_eq!(message, "Unknown value for 'type' attribute.");
fn test_wrong_child() {
let elem: Element = "<x xmlns='jabber:x:data' type='cancel'><coucou/></x>".parse().unwrap();
let error = DataForm::try_from(elem).unwrap_err();
let message = match error {
Error::ParseError(string) => string,
_ => panic!(),
assert_eq!(message, "Unknown child in data form element.");