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// Copyright (c) 2023 xmpp-rs contributors.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
use tokio_xmpp::{
presence::{Presence, Type as PresenceType},
use crate::{Agent, RoomNick};
pub async fn join_room(
agent: &mut Agent,
room: BareJid,
nick: Option<String>,
password: Option<String>,
lang: &str,
status: &str,
) {
let mut muc = Muc::new();
if let Some(password) = password {
muc = muc.with_password(password);
let nick = nick.unwrap_or_else(|| agent.default_nick.read().unwrap().clone());
let room_jid = room.with_resource_str(&nick).unwrap();
let mut presence = Presence::new(PresenceType::None).with_to(room_jid);
presence.set_status(String::from(lang), String::from(status));
let _ = agent.client.send_stanza(presence.into()).await;
/// Send a "leave room" request to the server (specifically, an "unavailable" presence stanza).
/// The returned future will resolve when the request has been sent,
/// not when the room has actually been left.
/// If successful, a `RoomLeft` event should be received later as a confirmation.
/// See: https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0045.html#exit
/// Note that this method does NOT remove the room from the auto-join list; the latter
/// is more a list of bookmarks that the account knows about and that have a flag set
/// to indicate that they should be joined automatically after connecting (see the JoinRoom event).
/// Regarding the latter, see the these minutes about auto-join behavior:
/// https://docs.modernxmpp.org/meetings/2019-01-brussels/#bookmarks
/// # Arguments
/// * `room_jid`: The JID of the room to leave.
/// * `nickname`: The nickname to use in the room.
/// * `lang`: The language of the status message.
/// * `status`: The status message to send.
pub async fn leave_room(
agent: &mut Agent,
room_jid: BareJid,
nickname: RoomNick,
lang: impl Into<String>,
status: impl Into<String>,
) {
// XEP-0045 specifies that, to leave a room, the client must send a presence stanza
// with type="unavailable".
let mut presence = Presence::new(PresenceType::Unavailable).with_to(
.expect("Invalid room JID after adding resource part."),
// Optionally, the client may include a status message in the presence stanza.
// TODO: Should this be optional? The XEP says "MAY", but the method signature requires the arguments.
// XEP-0045: "The occupant MAY include normal <status/> information in the unavailable presence stanzas"
presence.set_status(lang, status);
// Send the presence stanza.
if let Err(e) = agent.client.send_stanza(presence.into()).await {
// Report any errors to the log.
error!("Failed to send leave room presence: {}", e);