This allows constructs like:
let residual = match Iq::try_from(stanza) {
Ok(iq) => return handle_iq(..),
Err(Error::TypeMismatch(_, _, v)) => v,
Err(other) => return handle_parse_error(..),
let residual = match Message::try_from(stanza) {
let residual = ..
log::warn!("unhandled object: {:?}", residual);
The interesting part of this is that this could be used in a loop over a
Vec<Box<dyn FnMut(Element) -> ControlFlow<SomeResult, Element>>, i.e. in
a parsing loop for a generic XML/XMPP stream.
The advantage is that the check runs only once (in
check_self!) and doesn't need to be duplicated outside, and it reduces
the use of magic strings.
Since Rust 1.32.0 (so basically forever ago) we can use the $(…)?
construct in macros to mean one or zero times this chunk of tokens.
This allows making the last comma optional in lists of things.