// Copyright (c) 2017 Emmanuel Gil Peyrot // // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. macro_rules! get_attr { ($elem:ident, $attr:tt, $type:tt) => ( get_attr!($elem, $attr, $type, value, value.parse()?) ); ($elem:ident, $attr:tt, optional, $value:ident, $func:expr) => ( match $elem.attr($attr) { Some($value) => Some($func), None => None, } ); ($elem:ident, $attr:tt, required, $value:ident, $func:expr) => ( match $elem.attr($attr) { Some($value) => $func, None => return Err(Error::ParseError(concat!("Required attribute '", $attr, "' missing."))), } ); ($elem:ident, $attr:tt, default, $value:ident, $func:expr) => ( match $elem.attr($attr) { Some($value) => $func, None => Default::default(), } ); } macro_rules! generate_attribute { ($elem:ident, $name:tt, {$($a:ident => $b:tt),+,}) => ( generate_attribute!($elem, $name, {$($a => $b),+}); ); ($elem:ident, $name:tt, {$($a:ident => $b:tt),+,}, Default = $default:ident) => ( generate_attribute!($elem, $name, {$($a => $b),+}, Default = $default); ); ($elem:ident, $name:tt, {$($a:ident => $b:tt),+}) => ( #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] pub enum $elem { $( #[doc=$b] #[doc="value for this attribute."] $a ),+ } impl FromStr for $elem { type Err = Error; fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<$elem, Error> { Ok(match s { $($b => $elem::$a),+, _ => return Err(Error::ParseError(concat!("Unknown value for '", $name, "' attribute."))), }) } } impl IntoAttributeValue for $elem { fn into_attribute_value(self) -> Option { Some(String::from(match self { $($elem::$a => $b),+ })) } } ); ($elem:ident, $name:tt, {$($a:ident => $b:tt),+}, Default = $default:ident) => ( #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] pub enum $elem { $( #[doc=$b] #[doc="value for this attribute."] $a ),+ } impl FromStr for $elem { type Err = Error; fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<$elem, Error> { Ok(match s { $($b => $elem::$a),+, _ => return Err(Error::ParseError(concat!("Unknown value for '", $name, "' attribute."))), }) } } impl IntoAttributeValue for $elem { #[allow(unreachable_patterns)] fn into_attribute_value(self) -> Option { Some(String::from(match self { $elem::$default => return None, $($elem::$a => $b),+ })) } } impl Default for $elem { fn default() -> $elem { $elem::$default } } ); } macro_rules! check_self { ($elem:ident, $name:tt, $ns:expr) => ( check_self!($elem, $name, $ns, $name); ); ($elem:ident, $name:tt, $ns:expr, $pretty_name:tt) => ( if !$elem.is($name, $ns) { return Err(Error::ParseError(concat!("This is not a ", $pretty_name, " element."))); } ); } macro_rules! check_ns_only { ($elem:ident, $name:tt, $ns:expr) => ( if !$elem.has_ns($ns) { return Err(Error::ParseError(concat!("This is not a ", $name, " element."))); } ); } macro_rules! check_no_children { ($elem:ident, $name:tt) => ( for _ in $elem.children() { return Err(Error::ParseError(concat!("Unknown child in ", $name, " element."))); } ); } macro_rules! check_no_attributes { ($elem:ident, $name:tt) => ( check_no_unknown_attributes!($elem, $name, []); ); } macro_rules! check_no_unknown_attributes { ($elem:ident, $name:tt, [$($attr:tt),*]) => ( for (_attr, _) in $elem.attrs() { $( if _attr == $attr { continue; } )* return Err(Error::ParseError(concat!("Unknown attribute in ", $name, " element."))); } ); } macro_rules! generate_empty_element { ($(#[$meta:meta])* $elem:ident, $name:tt, $ns:expr) => ( $(#[$meta])* #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct $elem; impl TryFrom for $elem { type Err = Error; fn try_from(elem: Element) -> Result<$elem, Error> { check_self!(elem, $name, $ns); check_no_children!(elem, $name); check_no_attributes!(elem, $name); Ok($elem) } } impl From<$elem> for Element { fn from(_: $elem) -> Element { Element::builder($name) .ns($ns) .build() } } ); } macro_rules! generate_element_with_only_attributes { ($(#[$meta:meta])* $elem:ident, $name:tt, $ns:expr, [$($(#[$attr_meta:meta])* $attr:ident: $attr_type:ty = $attr_name:tt => $attr_action:tt),+,]) => ( generate_element_with_only_attributes!($(#[$meta])* $elem, $name, $ns, [$($(#[$attr_meta])* $attr: $attr_type = $attr_name => $attr_action),*]); ); ($(#[$meta:meta])* $elem:ident, $name:tt, $ns:expr, [$($(#[$attr_meta:meta])* $attr:ident: $attr_type:ty = $attr_name:tt => $attr_action:tt),+]) => ( $(#[$meta])* #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct $elem { $( $(#[$attr_meta])* pub $attr: $attr_type, )* } impl TryFrom for $elem { type Err = Error; fn try_from(elem: Element) -> Result<$elem, Error> { check_self!(elem, $name, $ns); check_no_children!(elem, $name); check_no_unknown_attributes!(elem, $name, [$($attr_name),*]); Ok($elem { $( $attr: get_attr!(elem, $attr_name, $attr_action), )* }) } } impl From<$elem> for Element { fn from(elem: $elem) -> Element { Element::builder($name) .ns($ns) $( .attr($attr_name, elem.$attr) )* .build() } } ); } macro_rules! generate_id { ($elem:ident) => ( #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub struct $elem(pub String); impl FromStr for $elem { type Err = Error; fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<$elem, Error> { // TODO: add a way to parse that differently when needed. Ok($elem(String::from(s))) } } impl IntoAttributeValue for $elem { fn into_attribute_value(self) -> Option { Some(self.0) } } ); } macro_rules! generate_elem_id { ($elem:ident, $name:tt, $ns:expr) => ( #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub struct $elem(pub String); impl FromStr for $elem { type Err = Error; fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<$elem, Error> { // TODO: add a way to parse that differently when needed. Ok($elem(String::from(s))) } } impl From<$elem> for Element { fn from(elem: $elem) -> Element { Element::builder($name) .ns($ns) .append(elem.0) .build() } } ); } macro_rules! generate_element_with_text { ($(#[$meta:meta])* $elem:ident, $name:tt, $ns:expr, [$($(#[$attr_meta:meta])* $attr:ident: $attr_type:ty = $attr_name:tt => $attr_action:tt),+], $text_ident:ident: $codec:ident < $text_type:ty >) => ( $(#[$meta])* #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct $elem { $( $(#[$attr_meta])* pub $attr: $attr_type, )* pub $text_ident: $text_type, } impl TryFrom for $elem { type Err = Error; fn try_from(elem: Element) -> Result<$elem, Error> { check_self!(elem, $name, $ns); check_no_children!(elem, $name); check_no_unknown_attributes!(elem, $name, [$($attr_name),*]); Ok($elem { $( $attr: get_attr!(elem, $attr_name, $attr_action), )* $text_ident: $codec::decode(&elem.text())?, }) } } impl From<$elem> for Element { fn from(elem: $elem) -> Element { Element::builder($name) .ns($ns) $( .attr($attr_name, elem.$attr) )* .append($codec::encode(&elem.$text_ident)) .build() } } ); } macro_rules! generate_element_with_children { ($(#[$meta:meta])* $elem:ident, $name:tt, $ns:expr, attributes: [$($(#[$attr_meta:meta])* $attr:ident: $attr_type:ty = $attr_name:tt => $attr_action:tt),+], children: [$($(#[$child_meta:meta])* $child_ident:ident: Vec<$child_type:ty> = $child_name:tt => $child_constructor:ident),+]) => ( $(#[$meta])* #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct $elem { $( $(#[$attr_meta])* pub $attr: $attr_type, )* $( $(#[$child_meta])* pub $child_ident: Vec<$child_type>, )* } impl TryFrom for $elem { type Err = Error; fn try_from(elem: Element) -> Result<$elem, Error> { check_self!(elem, $name, $ns); check_no_unknown_attributes!(elem, $name, [$($attr_name),*]); let mut parsed_children = vec!(); for child in elem.children() { $( let parsed_child = $child_constructor::try_from(child.clone())?; parsed_children.push(parsed_child); )* } Ok($elem { $( $attr: get_attr!(elem, $attr_name, $attr_action), )* $( $child_ident: parsed_children, )* }) } } impl From<$elem> for Element { fn from(elem: $elem) -> Element { Element::builder($name) .ns($ns) $( .attr($attr_name, elem.$attr) )* .build() } } ); }