//! Provides an error type for this crate. use std::convert::From; error_chain! { foreign_links { XmlError(::quick_xml::errors::Error) /// An error from quick_xml. ; Utf8Error(::std::str::Utf8Error) /// An UTF-8 conversion error. ; IoError(::std::io::Error) /// An I/O error, from std::io. ; } errors { /// An error which is returned when the end of the document was reached prematurely. EndOfDocument { description("the end of the document has been reached prematurely") display("the end of the document has been reached prematurely") } /// An error which is returned when an element is closed when it shouldn't be InvalidElementClosed { description("The XML is invalid, an element was wrongly closed") display("the XML is invalid, an element was wrongly closed") } } }