Maxime “pep” Buquet 1f2d7aa99d minidom: Rework Prefixes internal structure
Change the mapping in Prefixes to Prefix -> Namespace instead of
Namespace -> Prefix. This allows us to not have duplicate prefixes
anymore, but requires us to store the prefix on Element. This prefix is
only taken as a hint anyway and used only when coming from the reader.

This commits also partially removes the possibility to add prefixes
when creating an Element via `Element::new`, `Element::builder` or
`Element::bare`. Proper errors should be added in the following commits.

Signed-off-by: Maxime “pep” Buquet <pep@bouah.net>
2020-04-21 22:23:36 +02:00

438 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2020 lumi <lumi@pew.im>
// Copyright (c) 2020 Emmanuel Gil Peyrot <linkmauve@linkmauve.fr>
// Copyright (c) 2020 Bastien Orivel <eijebong+minidom@bananium.fr>
// Copyright (c) 2020 Astro <astro@spaceboyz.net>
// Copyright (c) 2020 Maxime “pep” Buquet <pep@bouah.net>
// Copyright (c) 2020 Yue Liu <amznyue@amazon.com>
// Copyright (c) 2020 Matt Bilker <me@mbilker.us>
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
use crate::element::Element;
use crate::error::Error;
use quick_xml::Reader;
const TEST_STRING: &'static str = r#"<root xmlns="root_ns" a="b" xml:lang="en">meow<child c="d"/><child xmlns="child_ns" d="e" xml:lang="fr"/>nya</root>"#;
fn build_test_tree() -> Element {
let mut root = Element::builder("root", "root_ns")
.attr("xml:lang", "en")
.attr("a", "b")
let child = Element::builder("child", "root_ns").attr("c", "d").build();
let other_child = Element::builder("child", "child_ns")
.attr("d", "e")
.attr("xml:lang", "fr")
fn reader_works() {
let mut reader = Reader::from_str(TEST_STRING);
Element::from_reader(&mut reader).unwrap(),
fn reader_deduplicate_prefixes() {
// The reader shouldn't complain that "child" doesn't have a namespace. It should reuse the
// parent ns with the same prefix.
let _: Element = r#"<root xmlns="ns1"><child/></root>"#.parse().unwrap();
let _: Element = r#"<p1:root xmlns:p1="ns1"><p1:child/></p1:root>"#.parse().unwrap();
let _: Element = r#"<root xmlns="ns1"><child xmlns:p1="ns2"><p1:grandchild/></child></root>"#.parse().unwrap();
match r#"<p1:root xmlns:p1="ns1"><child/></p1:root>"#.parse::<Element>() {
Err(Error::MissingNamespace) => (),
Err(err) => panic!("No or wrong error: {:?}", err),
Ok(elem) => panic!("Got Element: {}; was expecting Error::MissingNamespace", String::from(&elem)),
fn reader_no_deduplicate_sibling_prefixes() {
// The reader shouldn't reuse the sibling's prefixes
match r#"<root xmlns="ns1"><p1:child1 xmlns:p1="ns2"/><p1:child2/></root>"#.parse::<Element>() {
Err(Error::MissingNamespace) => (),
Err(err) => panic!("No or wrong error: {:?}", err),
Ok(elem) => panic!("Got Element:\n{:?}\n{}\n; was expecting Error::MissingNamespace", elem, String::from(&elem)),
fn test_real_data() {
let correction = Element::builder("replace", "urn:xmpp:message-correct:0").build();
let body = Element::builder("body", "jabber:client").build();
let message = Element::builder("message", "jabber:client")
let stream = Element::builder("stream", "http://etherx.jabber.org/streams")
.prefix(Some(String::from("stream")), "http://etherx.jabber.org/streams")
.prefix(None, "jabber:client")
println!("{}", String::from(&stream));
let jid = Element::builder("jid", "urn:xmpp:presence:0").build();
let nick = Element::builder("nick", "urn:xmpp:presence:0").build();
let mix = Element::builder("mix", "urn:xmpp:presence:0")
let show = Element::builder("show", "jabber:client").build();
let status = Element::builder("status", "jabber:client").build();
let presence = Element::builder("presence", "jabber:client")
let item = Element::builder("item", "http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub")
let items = Element::builder("items", "http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub")
let pubsub = Element::builder("pubsub", "http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub")
let iq = Element::builder("iq", "jabber:client")
let stream = Element::builder("stream", "http://etherx.jabber.org/streams")
.prefix(Some(String::from("stream")), "http://etherx.jabber.org/streams")
.prefix(None, "jabber:client")
println!("{}", String::from(&stream));
fn writer_works() {
let root = build_test_tree();
let mut writer = Vec::new();
root.write_to(&mut writer).unwrap();
assert_eq!(String::from_utf8(writer).unwrap(), TEST_STRING);
fn writer_with_decl_works() {
let root = build_test_tree();
let mut writer = Vec::new();
root.write_to_decl(&mut writer).unwrap();
let result = format!(r#"<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>{}"#, TEST_STRING);
assert_eq!(String::from_utf8(writer).unwrap(), result);
fn writer_with_prefix() {
let root = Element::builder("root", "ns1")
.prefix(Some(String::from("p1")), "ns1")
.prefix(None, "ns2")
r#"<p1:root xmlns="ns2" xmlns:p1="ns1"/>"#,
fn writer_no_prefix_namespace() {
let root = Element::builder("root", "ns1").build();
// TODO: Note that this isn't exactly equal to a None prefix. it's just that the None prefix is
// the most obvious when it's not already used. Maybe fix tests so that it only checks that the
// prefix used equals the one declared for the namespace.
assert_eq!(String::from(&root), r#"<root xmlns="ns1"/>"#);
fn writer_no_prefix_namespace_child() {
let child = Element::builder("child", "ns1").build();
let root = Element::builder("root", "ns1")
// TODO: Same remark as `writer_no_prefix_namespace`.
assert_eq!(String::from(&root), r#"<root xmlns="ns1"><child/></root>"#);
let child = Element::builder("child", "ns2")
.prefix(None, "ns3")
let root = Element::builder("root", "ns1")
// TODO: Same remark as `writer_no_prefix_namespace`.
assert_eq!(String::from(&root), r#"<root xmlns="ns1"><ns0:child xmlns:ns0="ns2" xmlns="ns3"/></root>"#);
fn writer_prefix_namespace_child() {
let child = Element::builder("child", "ns1").build();
let root = Element::builder("root", "ns1")
.prefix(Some(String::from("p1")), "ns1")
assert_eq!(String::from(&root), r#"<p1:root xmlns:p1="ns1"><p1:child/></p1:root>"#);
fn writer_with_prefix_deduplicate() {
let child = Element::builder("child", "ns1")
// .prefix(Some(String::from("p1")), "ns1")
let root = Element::builder("root", "ns1")
.prefix(Some(String::from("p1")), "ns1")
.prefix(None, "ns2")
r#"<p1:root xmlns="ns2" xmlns:p1="ns1"><p1:child/></p1:root>"#,
// Ensure descendants don't just reuse ancestors' prefixes that have been shadowed in between
let grandchild = Element::builder("grandchild", "ns1")
let child = Element::builder("child", "ns2")
let root = Element::builder("root", "ns1")
r#"<root xmlns="ns1"><child xmlns="ns2"><grandchild xmlns="ns1"/></child></root>"#,
fn writer_escapes_attributes() {
let root = Element::builder("root", "ns1").attr("a", "\"Air\" quotes").build();
let mut writer = Vec::new();
root.write_to(&mut writer).unwrap();
r#"<root xmlns="ns1" a="&quot;Air&quot; quotes"/>"#
fn writer_escapes_text() {
let root = Element::builder("root", "ns1").append("<3").build();
let mut writer = Vec::new();
root.write_to(&mut writer).unwrap();
assert_eq!(String::from_utf8(writer).unwrap(), r#"<root xmlns="ns1">&lt;3</root>"#);
fn builder_works() {
let elem = Element::builder("a", "b")
.attr("c", "d")
.append(Element::builder("child", "b"))
assert_eq!(elem.name(), "a");
assert_eq!(elem.ns(), "b".to_owned());
assert_eq!(elem.attr("c"), Some("d"));
assert_eq!(elem.attr("x"), None);
assert_eq!(elem.text(), "e");
assert!(elem.has_child("child", "b"));
assert!(elem.is("a", "b"));
fn children_iter_works() {
let root = build_test_tree();
let mut iter = root.children();
assert!(iter.next().unwrap().is("child", "root_ns"));
assert!(iter.next().unwrap().is("child", "child_ns"));
assert_eq!(iter.next(), None);
fn get_child_works() {
let root = build_test_tree();
assert_eq!(root.get_child("child", "inexistent_ns"), None);
assert_eq!(root.get_child("not_a_child", "root_ns"), None);
.get_child("child", "root_ns")
.is("child", "root_ns"));
.get_child("child", "child_ns")
.is("child", "child_ns"));
root.get_child("child", "root_ns").unwrap().attr("c"),
root.get_child("child", "child_ns").unwrap().attr("d"),
fn namespace_propagation_works() {
let mut root = Element::builder("root", "root_ns").build();
let mut child = Element::bare("child", "root_ns");
let grandchild = Element::bare("grandchild", "root_ns");
assert_eq!(root.get_child("child", "root_ns").unwrap().ns(), root.ns());
root.get_child("child", "root_ns")
.get_child("grandchild", "root_ns")
fn two_elements_with_same_arguments_different_order_are_equal() {
let elem1: Element = "<a b='a' c='' xmlns='ns1'/>".parse().unwrap();
let elem2: Element = "<a c='' b='a' xmlns='ns1'/>".parse().unwrap();
assert_eq!(elem1, elem2);
let elem1: Element = "<a b='a' c='' xmlns='ns1'/>".parse().unwrap();
let elem2: Element = "<a c='d' b='a' xmlns='ns1'/>".parse().unwrap();
assert_ne!(elem1, elem2);
fn namespace_attributes_works() {
let mut reader = Reader::from_str(TEST_STRING);
let root = Element::from_reader(&mut reader).unwrap();
assert_eq!("en", root.attr("xml:lang").unwrap());
root.get_child("child", "child_ns")
fn wrongly_closed_elements_error() {
let elem1 = "<a xmlns='ns1'></b>".parse::<Element>();
let elem1 = "<a xmlns='ns1'></c></a>".parse::<Element>();
let elem1 = "<a xmlns='ns1'><c xmlns='ns1'><d xmlns='ns1'/></c></a>".parse::<Element>();
fn namespace_simple() {
let elem: Element = "<message xmlns='jabber:client'/>".parse().unwrap();
assert_eq!(elem.name(), "message");
assert_eq!(elem.ns(), "jabber:client".to_owned());
fn namespace_prefixed() {
let elem: Element = "<stream:features xmlns:stream='http://etherx.jabber.org/streams'/>"
assert_eq!(elem.name(), "features");
fn namespace_inherited_simple() {
let elem: Element = "<stream xmlns='jabber:client'><message xmlns='jabber:client' /></stream>"
assert_eq!(elem.name(), "stream");
assert_eq!(elem.ns(), "jabber:client".to_owned());
let child = elem.children().next().unwrap();
assert_eq!(child.name(), "message");
assert_eq!(child.ns(), "jabber:client".to_owned());
fn namespace_inherited_prefixed1() {
let elem: Element = "<stream:features xmlns:stream='http://etherx.jabber.org/streams' xmlns='jabber:client'><message xmlns='jabber:client' /></stream:features>"
assert_eq!(elem.name(), "features");
let child = elem.children().next().unwrap();
assert_eq!(child.name(), "message");
assert_eq!(child.ns(), "jabber:client".to_owned());
fn namespace_inherited_prefixed2() {
let elem: Element = "<stream xmlns='http://etherx.jabber.org/streams' xmlns:jabber='jabber:client'><jabber:message xmlns:jabber='jabber:client' /></stream>"
assert_eq!(elem.name(), "stream");
let child = elem.children().next().unwrap();
assert_eq!(child.name(), "message");
assert_eq!(child.ns(), "jabber:client".to_owned());
fn fail_comments() {
let elem: Result<Element, Error> = "<foo xmlns='ns1'><!-- bar --></foo>".parse();
match elem {
Err(Error::NoComments) => (),
_ => panic!(),
fn xml_error() {
match "<a xmlns='ns1'></b>".parse::<Element>() {
Err(crate::error::Error::XmlError(_)) => (),
err => panic!("No or wrong error: {:?}", err),
match "<a xmlns='ns1'></".parse::<Element>() {
Err(crate::error::Error::XmlError(_)) => (),
err => panic!("No or wrong error: {:?}", err),
fn invalid_element_error() {
match "<a:b:c>".parse::<Element>() {
Err(crate::error::Error::InvalidElement) => (),
err => panic!("No or wrong error: {:?}", err),
fn missing_namespace_error() {
match "<a/>".parse::<Element>() {
Err(crate::error::Error::MissingNamespace) => (),
err => panic!("No or wrong error: {:?}", err),