This bumps the minimum supported stable Rust version to 1.34. The TryFrom and TryInto traits are still reexported to not break the API, but these reexports are deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
225 lines
7.3 KiB
225 lines
7.3 KiB
// Copyright (c) 2017 Emmanuel Gil Peyrot <linkmauve@linkmauve.fr>
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
use crate::util::error::Error;
use crate::iq::{IqGetPayload, IqResultPayload, IqSetPayload};
use crate::ns;
use jid::Jid;
use minidom::Element;
use std::convert::TryFrom;
/// The element requesting the blocklist, the result iq will contain a
/// [BlocklistResult].
impl IqGetPayload for BlocklistRequest {}
macro_rules! generate_blocking_element {
($(#[$meta:meta])* $elem:ident, $name:tt) => (
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct $elem {
/// List of JIDs affected by this command.
pub items: Vec<Jid>,
impl TryFrom<Element> for $elem {
type Error = Error;
fn try_from(elem: Element) -> Result<$elem, Error> {
check_self!(elem, $name, BLOCKING);
check_no_attributes!(elem, $name);
let mut items = vec!();
for child in elem.children() {
check_self!(child, "item", BLOCKING);
check_no_unknown_attributes!(child, "item", ["jid"]);
check_no_children!(child, "item");
items.push(get_attr!(child, "jid", Required));
Ok($elem { items })
impl From<$elem> for Element {
fn from(elem: $elem) -> Element {
.append(elem.items.into_iter().map(|jid| {
.attr("jid", jid)
/// The element containing the current blocklist, as a reply from
/// [BlocklistRequest].
impl IqResultPayload for BlocklistResult {}
// TODO: Prevent zero elements from being allowed.
/// A query to block one or more JIDs.
impl IqSetPayload for Block {}
/// A query to unblock one or more JIDs, or all of them.
/// Warning: not putting any JID there means clearing out the blocklist.
impl IqSetPayload for Unblock {}
/// The application-specific error condition when a message is blocked.
mod tests {
use super::*;
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
fn test_size() {
assert_size!(BlocklistRequest, 0);
assert_size!(BlocklistResult, 12);
assert_size!(Block, 12);
assert_size!(Unblock, 12);
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
fn test_size() {
assert_size!(BlocklistRequest, 0);
assert_size!(BlocklistResult, 24);
assert_size!(Block, 24);
assert_size!(Unblock, 24);
fn test_simple() {
let elem: Element = "<blocklist xmlns='urn:xmpp:blocking'/>".parse().unwrap();
let request_elem = elem.clone();
let result_elem = elem.clone();
let result = BlocklistResult::try_from(result_elem).unwrap();
assert_eq!(result.items, vec!());
let elem: Element = "<block xmlns='urn:xmpp:blocking'/>".parse().unwrap();
let block = Block::try_from(elem).unwrap();
assert_eq!(block.items, vec!());
let elem: Element = "<unblock xmlns='urn:xmpp:blocking'/>".parse().unwrap();
let unblock = Unblock::try_from(elem).unwrap();
assert_eq!(unblock.items, vec!());
fn test_items() {
let elem: Element = "<blocklist xmlns='urn:xmpp:blocking'><item jid='coucou@coucou'/><item jid='domain'/></blocklist>".parse().unwrap();
let two_items = vec![
Jid {
node: Some(String::from("coucou")),
domain: String::from("coucou"),
resource: None,
Jid {
node: None,
domain: String::from("domain"),
resource: None,
let result_elem = elem.clone();
let result = BlocklistResult::try_from(result_elem).unwrap();
assert_eq!(result.items, two_items);
let elem: Element = "<block xmlns='urn:xmpp:blocking'><item jid='coucou@coucou'/><item jid='domain'/></block>".parse().unwrap();
let block = Block::try_from(elem).unwrap();
assert_eq!(block.items, two_items);
let elem: Element = "<unblock xmlns='urn:xmpp:blocking'><item jid='coucou@coucou'/><item jid='domain'/></unblock>".parse().unwrap();
let unblock = Unblock::try_from(elem).unwrap();
assert_eq!(unblock.items, two_items);
#[cfg(not(feature = "disable-validation"))]
fn test_invalid() {
let elem: Element = "<blocklist xmlns='urn:xmpp:blocking' coucou=''/>"
let request_elem = elem.clone();
let error = BlocklistRequest::try_from(request_elem).unwrap_err();
let message = match error {
Error::ParseError(string) => string,
_ => panic!(),
assert_eq!(message, "Unknown attribute in blocklist element.");
let result_elem = elem.clone();
let error = BlocklistResult::try_from(result_elem).unwrap_err();
let message = match error {
Error::ParseError(string) => string,
_ => panic!(),
assert_eq!(message, "Unknown attribute in blocklist element.");
let elem: Element = "<block xmlns='urn:xmpp:blocking' coucou=''/>"
let error = Block::try_from(elem).unwrap_err();
let message = match error {
Error::ParseError(string) => string,
_ => panic!(),
assert_eq!(message, "Unknown attribute in block element.");
let elem: Element = "<unblock xmlns='urn:xmpp:blocking' coucou=''/>"
let error = Unblock::try_from(elem).unwrap_err();
let message = match error {
Error::ParseError(string) => string,
_ => panic!(),
assert_eq!(message, "Unknown attribute in unblock element.");
#[cfg(not(feature = "disable-validation"))]
fn test_non_empty_blocklist_request() {
let elem: Element = "<blocklist xmlns='urn:xmpp:blocking'><item jid='coucou@coucou'/><item jid='domain'/></blocklist>".parse().unwrap();
let error = BlocklistRequest::try_from(elem).unwrap_err();
let message = match error {
Error::ParseError(string) => string,
_ => panic!(),
assert_eq!(message, "Unknown child in blocklist element.");