This bumps the minimum supported stable Rust version to 1.34. The TryFrom and TryInto traits are still reexported to not break the API, but these reexports are deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
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315 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2017 Emmanuel Gil Peyrot <linkmauve@linkmauve.fr>
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
use crate::util::error::Error;
use crate::ns;
use minidom::Element;
use std::convert::TryFrom;
/// Requests paging through a potentially big set of items (represented by an
/// UID).
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct SetQuery {
/// Limit the number of items, or use the recipient’s defaults if None.
pub max: Option<usize>,
/// The UID after which to give results, or if None it is the element
/// “before” the first item, effectively an index of negative one.
pub after: Option<String>,
/// The UID before which to give results, or if None it starts with the
/// last page of the full set.
pub before: Option<String>,
/// Numerical index of the page (deprecated).
pub index: Option<usize>,
impl TryFrom<Element> for SetQuery {
type Error = Error;
fn try_from(elem: Element) -> Result<SetQuery, Error> {
check_self!(elem, "set", RSM, "RSM set");
let mut set = SetQuery {
max: None,
after: None,
before: None,
index: None,
for child in elem.children() {
if child.is("max", ns::RSM) {
if set.max.is_some() {
return Err(Error::ParseError("Set can’t have more than one max."));
set.max = Some(child.text().parse()?);
} else if child.is("after", ns::RSM) {
if set.after.is_some() {
return Err(Error::ParseError("Set can’t have more than one after."));
set.after = Some(child.text());
} else if child.is("before", ns::RSM) {
if set.before.is_some() {
return Err(Error::ParseError("Set can’t have more than one before."));
set.before = Some(child.text());
} else if child.is("index", ns::RSM) {
if set.index.is_some() {
return Err(Error::ParseError("Set can’t have more than one index."));
set.index = Some(child.text().parse()?);
} else {
return Err(Error::ParseError("Unknown child in set element."));
impl From<SetQuery> for Element {
fn from(set: SetQuery) -> Element {
.append(set.max.map(|max| {
.append(format!("{}", max))
.map(|after| Element::builder("after").ns(ns::RSM).append(after).build()),
.append(set.before.map(|before| {
.append(set.index.map(|index| {
.append(format!("{}", index))
/// Describes the paging result of a [query](struct.SetQuery.html).
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct SetResult {
/// The UID of the first item of the page.
pub first: Option<String>,
/// The position of the [first item](#structfield.first) in the full set
/// (which may be approximate).
pub first_index: Option<usize>,
/// The UID of the last item of the page.
pub last: Option<String>,
/// How many items there are in the full set (which may be approximate).
pub count: Option<usize>,
impl TryFrom<Element> for SetResult {
type Error = Error;
fn try_from(elem: Element) -> Result<SetResult, Error> {
check_self!(elem, "set", RSM, "RSM set");
let mut set = SetResult {
first: None,
first_index: None,
last: None,
count: None,
for child in elem.children() {
if child.is("first", ns::RSM) {
if set.first.is_some() {
return Err(Error::ParseError("Set can’t have more than one first."));
set.first_index = get_attr!(child, "index", Option);
set.first = Some(child.text());
} else if child.is("last", ns::RSM) {
if set.last.is_some() {
return Err(Error::ParseError("Set can’t have more than one last."));
set.last = Some(child.text());
} else if child.is("count", ns::RSM) {
if set.count.is_some() {
return Err(Error::ParseError("Set can’t have more than one count."));
set.count = Some(child.text().parse()?);
} else {
return Err(Error::ParseError("Unknown child in set element."));
impl From<SetResult> for Element {
fn from(set: SetResult) -> Element {
let first = set.first.clone().map(|first| {
.attr("index", set.first_index)
.map(|last| Element::builder("last").ns(ns::RSM).append(last).build()),
.append(set.count.map(|count| {
.append(format!("{}", count))
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::util::compare_elements::NamespaceAwareCompare;
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
fn test_size() {
assert_size!(SetQuery, 40);
assert_size!(SetResult, 40);
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
fn test_size() {
assert_size!(SetQuery, 80);
assert_size!(SetResult, 80);
fn test_simple() {
let elem: Element = "<set xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/rsm'/>"
let set = SetQuery::try_from(elem).unwrap();
assert_eq!(set.max, None);
assert_eq!(set.after, None);
assert_eq!(set.before, None);
assert_eq!(set.index, None);
let elem: Element = "<set xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/rsm'/>"
let set = SetResult::try_from(elem).unwrap();
match set.first {
Some(_) => panic!(),
None => (),
assert_eq!(set.last, None);
assert_eq!(set.count, None);
fn test_unknown() {
let elem: Element = "<replace xmlns='urn:xmpp:message-correct:0'/>"
let error = SetQuery::try_from(elem).unwrap_err();
let message = match error {
Error::ParseError(string) => string,
_ => panic!(),
assert_eq!(message, "This is not a RSM set element.");
let elem: Element = "<replace xmlns='urn:xmpp:message-correct:0'/>"
let error = SetResult::try_from(elem).unwrap_err();
let message = match error {
Error::ParseError(string) => string,
_ => panic!(),
assert_eq!(message, "This is not a RSM set element.");
fn test_invalid_child() {
let elem: Element = "<set xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/rsm'><coucou/></set>"
let error = SetQuery::try_from(elem).unwrap_err();
let message = match error {
Error::ParseError(string) => string,
_ => panic!(),
assert_eq!(message, "Unknown child in set element.");
let elem: Element = "<set xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/rsm'><coucou/></set>"
let error = SetResult::try_from(elem).unwrap_err();
let message = match error {
Error::ParseError(string) => string,
_ => panic!(),
assert_eq!(message, "Unknown child in set element.");
fn test_serialise() {
let elem: Element = "<set xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/rsm'/>"
let rsm = SetQuery {
max: None,
after: None,
before: None,
index: None,
let elem2 = rsm.into();
assert_eq!(elem, elem2);
let elem: Element = "<set xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/rsm'/>"
let rsm = SetResult {
first: None,
first_index: None,
last: None,
count: None,
let elem2 = rsm.into();
assert_eq!(elem, elem2);
fn test_first_index() {
let elem: Element =
"<set xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/rsm'><first index='4'>coucou</first></set>"
let elem1 = elem.clone();
let set = SetResult::try_from(elem).unwrap();
assert_eq!(set.first, Some(String::from("coucou")));
assert_eq!(set.first_index, Some(4));
let set2 = SetResult {
first: Some(String::from("coucou")),
first_index: Some(4),
last: None,
count: None,
let elem2 = set2.into();